Welcome to the North American Online League (NAOL)!
The NAOL is an online league that is free for AGA members of all skill levels. Participants also receive free game reviews from Professional and high-Dan players. A NAOL rating is maintained so players can measure their progress.
There are six two-month seasons of the NAOL each year. During each season players compete in a group of six similarly ranked players in a round-robin. Games are played on Tuesday evenings at 8 PM eastern or at mutually agreed upon times.
The Tournament Director selects games from each Tuesday night for review sessions scheduled on the following evening. Each player receives at least one game review per season and often more than one. Reviews are recorded and posted in the NAOL Review Blog.
The league is conducted by Leago under the auspices of the North America Go Federation (NAGF). To join the league go to the NAGF page on Leago where you will see each season as an event. You can sign up there for an upcoming seasson whenever registration is open. There is an open registration period between the end of each season's round-robin and the start of the next one. The link to the next season's registration is also posted in Upcoming Events on the AGA home page.
You will receive email instructions from the Tournament Director on schedule and play. Players are expected to commit to play all five of their games if signed up. These are intended as serious individual games and no AI or outside is assistance is permitted.
Games use AGA Rules, no handicap, 45 minutes main time and 3 x 30 seconds byo-yomi. Games are played on OGS.
The AGA pays our Professional and high-Dan reviewers as a way to improve skill levels and spread Go. Your support in this effort is greatly appreciated.
Support NAOL Reviews
Contact us at naol@usgo.org.