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HomeDevin Fraze Statement 2023

My name is Devin Fraze and I am running to represent the Central Region on the AGA Board of Directors. Go has deeply improved my life and I now work full-time to give back by teaching and organizing Go locally, regionally, and nationally.

My Mission

I firmly believe that local organizers are the lifeblood of Go and it is my mission to support them in any way possible. This will be my guiding light and primary focus.

I also want to help the AGA make data-driven decisions backed by best practices so as to have the largest positive impact possible. In short, I want to get stuff done!

My Go Organizing Background

Ways I currently serve the Go community:

- I was one of two Youth Directors for the US Go Congress for 3 years.

- I run local and regional competitions in Ohio

- I run the Columbus Go Club and organize our City League competition team

- I founded the Ohio Go Association to help unify the efforts of Ohio organizers and to support their local clubs

- I present Go at Anime and Japanese Culture conventions (Ohayocon in Columbus and Youmacon in Detroit)

- I taught Go at five different schools and recently won an award for it from the school district in which I volunteer

- I co-created (aka, although it is still just getting started) so as to help Go Organizers around the world share their club information in a beautiful and modern way

- I started and ran the Columbus Go Center for 6 months and I hope to open it back up one day.

Other things About Me

- I studied Math Education in college

- I started two tutoring programs

- I started my own Alternative Education Program (aka "school") called the Columbus Learning Cooperative that ran for three years

- I traveled to Shanghai to represent the US in an International WeiQi Competition and came in third place

- I currently manage real-estate to make money, and I strive to live simply so that I can spend more time serving the Go Community

If you have any questions or would just like to talk about ways to make the Go community even better than it is now, feel free to reach out to me via email at or call me at 614-705-9839

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