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HomeTournament Directors

Information for Tournament Directors (TD)

The Tournament Regulations document has information on the basics of running a tournament.

TD Lists

TD Lists are used for verifying membership status and can be used for pairing software.

The three TDList files have been implemented with new URLs. These are the files that tournament directors and others use to find an AGA ID, determine if a membership is up to date, see what chapter a member belongs to etc. The URL’s are all similar except for the final letter A, B, or N. The A and B files are tab separated. Their only difference is the A version shows the short code for a chapter if a member belongs to a chapter and the B version shows the chapter name instead. The N file has fixed length rather than tab-separated fields. The URLs, field names, and a few sample records for each are below.



Name, AGAID, Member Type, Rating, Expiration Date, Chapter Code, State, Sigma, Join Date


Aal, Zachary 15648 Full -20.06000 7/2/2008 NY 1.09000 8/1/2007

Aarhus, Bob 9616 Full -21.94000 1/1/2008 NOVA VA 0.87000 11/1/2001

Abbas, Ashraf 19806 Full -21.50155 4/1/2013 VA 0.83702 3/31/2012

Abbasi, Salik 25982 Full -17.72811 6/22/2024 HOGC TX 1.12649 11/6/2022



Name, AGAID, Member Type, Rating, Expiration Date, Chapter Name, State, Sigma, Join Date


Aal, Zachary 15648 Full -20.06000 7/2/2008 NY 1.09000 8/1/2007

Aarhus, Bob 9616 Full -21.94000 1/1/2008 NOVA Go Club VA 0.87000 11/1/2001

Abbas, Ashraf 19806 Full -21.50155 4/1/2013 VA 0.83702 3/31/2012

Abbasi, Salik 25982 Full -17.72811 6/22/2024 Houston Go Club TX 1.12649 11/6/2022 



Name, AGAID, Member Type, Rating, Expiration Date, Chapter Code, State


Aal, Zachary 15648 Full -20.1 7/2/2008 none NY

Aarhus, Bob 9616 Full -21.9 1/1/2008 NOVA VA

Abbas, Ashraf 19806 Full -21.5 4/1/2013 none VA

Abbasi, Salik 25982 Full -17.7 6/22/2024 HOGC TX

Submitting Rated Games to the AGA Games Database (AGAGD)

The required format is so simple that, for a small number of games, you could just type the data as part of your e-mail message; larger tournaments typically use a computer program that does pairings and writes a results file which you can attach to your e-mail. Applications will normally export this as a ".txt" file. The following is a minimal example, reporting two even games played at a club.

Each game record comprises White's ID, followed by Black's ID, who won (B for Black, W for White), the number of handicap stones, and the komi (recorded as integer equal to the number of prisoners Black would give White). These are separated by spaces.

Tourney Princeton Go Club Rated Games, Princeton, NJ



     location='Princeton, NJ'



 489 Matthews, Paul 4k

3199 Mott, Rick     4k


489 3199 b 0 7

3199 489 w 0 7

The tournament or other event must be clearly identified, including the event name, location, start and finish dates, and rules of play (e.g., AGA, Ing, Japanese). Headers similar to those above will best follow this format and have all information accurately recorded in the AGAGD.

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