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18 pros confirmed for U.S. Go Congress; earlybird deadline extended

Chris Garlock | Published on 3/31/2024

Eighteen professional Go players have been confirmed for this year’s U.S. Go Congress, “with a strong chance of more to come,” organizers report. The Congress is set for July 13-21 in Portland, Oregon; the earlybird rate deadline has been extended to April 15.

Click here for profiles on the confirmed professionals, led off by Kim Jiseok 9P. As usual, the pros will be offering workshops, simultaneous games and reviews.  The US Masters tournament will also feature top-level competition including many professional players and top amateurs.

To register for the chance to bump shoulders with Go legends such as Kim and fan favorites like Stephanie Yin and Eunkyo Do, click here, where you’ll find links to event registration, partnered hotels and dorm accommodations, all within easy walking distance of the Congress venue. We hope to see you in the City of Roses July 13 through 21st for the 40th Annual US Go Congress!

“Congress directors Stew and Jonas have put together a great team and we look forward to welcoming you to Portland,” says AGA President Gurujeet Khalsa. “It is a great city to visit with many wonderful things to see and do. You will be hearing a lot between now and July about the events planned for the Congress such as the return of Kim Jiseok 9P, a world champion who was with us in Ohio last year (photo). We have lowered the fee for Congress to $400 for adults and $200 for youth (down from $500/$300) to make it more affordable for everyone. That goes up on April 15, so make your plans and sign up now. We look forward to seeing you in July!” 

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