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US Go Congress registration opens with reduced early bird rates

Chris Garlock | Published on 2/10/2024

Registration for this year’s US Go Congress is now open, and “in an effort to make the 40th annual US Go Congress the biggest one yet,” organizers have slashed fees for early bird registrants to $400 for adult participants and $200 for youth. Early bird deadline is April 1.

2024 US Go Congress is set for July 13th through 21st at Portland State University in downtown Portland, Oregon, and is the largest go-related activity in North America. Events include the US Open -- the largest US go tournament, open to all players -- professional lectures and game analysis, continuous self-paired rated games, and various other go activities taking place from morning to midnight.

“Downtown Portland is a beautiful and vibrant city with many cultural and shopping destinations within walking distance of the Congress site,” say organizers, who add that “we’re looking forward to showing off everything our strange little city has to offer, from nature trails to potential hauntings.” The Congress site is conveniently situated at the center of the city's transit system, so bringing a car isn't necessary unless you have a day trip in mind. Both dorm and hotel rooms are available through the registration portal, and both are extremely convenient to the Smith Memorial Student Union, where most Congress events will take place.

The Congress
registration site has a step-by-step process that includes housing and meal plan signups, as well as information about the Congress location and events. 

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