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Registration Open for the 2024 Redmond Cup and AGA Girls Cup

Justin Teng | Published on 1/30/2024

Redmond Cup and Girls Cup Finalists compete at the 2023 US Go Congress in Kent, Ohio

Registration is now open for the 31st Redmond Cup and 7th AGA Girls Cup, the AGA’s annual premier youth tournaments for North American youth under 18 and females under 16 respectively. Players must have an accredited rank of 1-dan or higher to participate in the Redmond Cup, and an accredited rank of 9-kyu or higher to participate in the AGA Girls Cup. The Redmond Cup features both a Junior (under 13) and a Senior (13-17) division, while the AGA Girls Cup will feature one division (under 16). Both tournaments are online preliminaries to determine two finalists in each division who will be invited to play in a best-of-three match at the 2024 US Go Congress in Portland, Oregon. The American Go Foundation will cover all reasonable expenses for the finalists of both tournaments to travel to and compete at the 2024 USGC. Players who complete all rounds of either tournament will also be eligible for a $200 scholarship to the 2024 USGC.

Both tournaments feature multi-stage preliminary format with proctored matches for the latter stages, and mandatory video calls with strict camera setup guidelines for all games.

Registration for the Redmond Cup will close on March 1st, with competition starting on March 4th. Registration for the AGA Girls Cup will close on March 6th, with competition starting on March 11th. Interested competitors can read about the rules for the Redmond Cup and rules for the AGA Girls Cup for more information, and email with any inquiries.

– Story and photo by Justin Teng, AGA Youth Coordinator

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