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10-year-old Louis Yang tops Northern VA tourney; Ko and A.I. Classes to Resume Feb. 3

Chris Garlock | Published on 1/27/2024

Ten-year old Gunyeoul 'Louis' Yang 5D edged Virginia State Champion Samuel Lee by a single point in the third round of the handicap tournament in the Annandale VA Go club on December 30, 2023. Clearly, his diligent studies with Korean pros have paid off.

Shiyang Qi 4D traveled all the way from Princeton NJ and won first place in the 1K-4D division after five matches. The two winners were rewarded with custom medals with special engraving.


Also on December 30 instructors James Park and Edward Zhang conducted free-trial classes, covering endgame value calculation, tesuji problems, life and death shapes, as well as a brief game review. Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) board member Ilryong Moon visited his long-time friends in the local Go community, expressing support for establishing Go programs in FCPS, such as the nationally renowned Thomas Jefferson High School and strong youth players Louis Yang and Richard Duan's schools.


In addition to participating in the Dec. 30th tournament, AGA board director Paul Celmer shared his experience working with Allan Abramson, Frank Salantrie and Feng Yun 9P

preparing President Obama's 2009 Go set gift to the president of China (read more here, here and here).

The next Northern Va. rated tournament will be in Annandale on February 3, when two morning classes will cover A.I. tactics, ko fights and tesuji. Email jamespark2424 at with questions or to sign up.


Credits: James Lee: tournament director and photos; Planning: AGA's Capital Go chapter club; Demo board: National Go Center.


Report by the Capital Go Club

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