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Chris Garlock | Published on 6/24/2005

JACK YANG TOPS FENG YUN YOUTH TOURNEY: Jack Yang 5d took top honors in the 3rd Feng Yun Youth Tournament on June 18. Forty-four players participated in the kids-only event in Piscataway, NJ . "The tournament was marked by great fun, good sportsmanship, excellent support by the parents and delicious pizza," reports Co-Director Rob Muldowney. Full winner's report in Monday's edition.

GO CONGRESS BREAKS 400 MARK: From Arizona to Romania, from Texas to Tokyo, from Georgia to Germany and points across the country and around the globe, go players are making plans to converge on Tacoma, Washington August 6-14 for the annual US. Go Congress. Registrations have now broken the 400 mark (404 as of today) as the June 26 early registration deadline nears. After midnight, June 26th there is a $50 late registration fee and after July 15th there will be a $100 late registration fee. Register now at
       We neglected to mention the ever-popular PAIR GO TOURNAMENT in our previous reports on plans for the Go Congress. "The creator of t he Pair Go competition, Mrs. Taki will be visiting," reports Pair Go Tournament Director Jeff Shaevel. "With the record attendance plus the new 'qualifier round' this year for the top board, I think this is going to a very exciting year for Pair Go."
      The CORRECT EMAIL ADDRESS for the Go Congress is (NOT as previously reported); we apologize for the error.

CHO U AND LEE CHANGHO FIGHT BACK: Cho U 9P, currently number one in Japan, has managed to stay alive in his match with challenger Takao Shinji 8P for the 60th Honinbo title, winning the fourth game of the best-of-seven contest to avoid being shut out. Meanwhile, Lee Changho 9P, number one player in the world, has evened the score in the best-of-five 39th Korean Wangwi title match by defeating Ok Teukjin 2P in their second game. Details in Monday's issue.

REFLECTIONS IN CHINA: In the third round of the tournament to determin e the challenger for the 18th Mingren in China, Wang Lei 4P played mirror go against Yu Bin 9P for a surprising 84 moves. Yu won by 1.5 points. Details in Monday's issue.

DEADLINE LOOMS IN SEARCH FOR STRONGEST YOUTH: The American Go Association has just been invited to send a representative to a children's tourney July 27-30 in Seoul, South Korea. Players must have been born after January 1, 1993 and must be a current member of the AGA. The event is sponsored by the Korean Baduk Association, which must have our nomination immediately, so anyone interested must email AGA President Mike Lash right away at The deadline for submissions is this Saturday, June 25 at 12 noon EST. The Korean Baduk Association will cover airfare and accommodation expenses for the player and one chaperone (who does not have to be the child's parent). The Children's Championship, usually a Korean-only event, has been opened up this year to Japan, China, Russi a, Thailand, Taiwan, the Netherlands and the United States.

VOTE REMINDER: All AGA members with email should have received an email ballot earlier this week, requesting your vote on several changes to the AGA Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws. These changes respond to concerns raised by the membership and the AGA administration. The revisions and modifications have been developed by the AGA Governance Committee, endorsed by the Assembly and discussed by the AGA Chapter Representatives. The Board of Directors and the President endorse these changes, but they cannot become official unless they are approved by the Membership. You need not support all of the changes, and you may vote for only selected items if you wish. Votes will be tallied automatically online. Results will be announced at the US Congress. PLEASE VOTE BY AUGUST 4, 2005. To review the full language of the changes, click on ernance/proposedrevisions2005.doc

CONGRESS MEMORIES: Got a favorite Go Congress memory, story or photo? Share it with us! Send your most memorable Congress moment or snapshot to us at and we'll consider it for a special report in an upcoming E-Journal and on the AGA website! No more than 100 words or 3 photos, please.

WEEKEND GO ACTION: New York, NY; Hackensack, NJ
- June 25: New York, NY
NYHSGA Summer Tournament
Alex Pak 917-637-0413
- June 25-28: Hackensack, NJ
2005 NJ Yang Yi-lun Go Workshop (may be full; contact for info)
John Stephenson 201-612-0852

WEINBERGER WINS ALERT READER: Christopher Weinberger of Oakland, CA is this week's Alert Reader winner, winning a $10 go vendor gift certificates for spotting our Alert hidden in last week's game commentary. Winners are drawn at random from those who correctly report the Alerts. Keep a sharp eye out in all our game attachmen ts; you could be a winner too!

GAME COMMENTARY: Classic Meijin and How to Slide
       Today's game commentary is a classic from the archives, the third game of the 15th Meijin title match in Japan, played in October 1990. Titleholder Kobayashi Koichi 9P, in the third year of a seven year streak, was being challenged by Otake Hideo 9P, who dominated the Meijin during the 1970s and who was the challenger four times in the 1980s. This is a very exciting and eventful game, with some extraordinary trades taking place. The commentary is by Kudo Norio 9P and is taken from Go World #62 by permission. Go World is a quarterly English language go magazine that contains pro news and commented pro games as well as instructional material. It is available from
       When and how to sl ide, that's the question in our latest installment of Kaz Furuyama's popular series on "Important, Fundamental Matters."
       To view the attached .sgf file(s), simply save the file(s) to your computer and then open using an .sgf reader such as Many Faces of Go or SmartGo. Readers who need .sgf readers can get them for most platforms at Jan van der Steen's

GO REVIEW: The ABC's of Attack and Defense
By Michael Redmond 9P
Published by Slate & Shell, 221 pp
Reviewed by Lawrence Ku 2d
       Ever had trouble during handicap games? Don't know how to handle that double approach? Confused when your opponent makes unreasonable cuts? Michael Redmond's "ABC's of Attack and Defense" has four main discussions: starting an attack by cutting, handling the double approach, using pincers to fight, and miai and exchanges. In the first chapter, Redmond, the US-born 9-dan professional, explains how to separate the opponent's stones to create multiple weak groups in handicap situations. The second chapter provides a detailed explanation of the common double approaches so even mid-kyu players can understand it. The third chapter focuses on the attacking and fighting that stems from the double approach. The last chapter describes playing against the 3-4 point, 4-5 point, and 3-5 points by using miai and exchanges.
     Unlike other attacking books, this book only focuses on handicap situations. However, it does a great job of describing these situations in detail. While appropriate for mid-kyu players, dan players and single-digit kyu players will find this book more of a review. Each time I've read this book, I've picked up something new.

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Published by the American Go Association; text material published in the AMERICAN GO E-JOURNAL may be reproduced by any recipient: please credit the AGEJ as the source. PLEASE NOTE that commented game record files MAY NOT BE published, re-distributed, or made available on the web without the explicit written permission of the Editor of the E-Journal. Please direct inquiries to

Articles appearing in the E-Journal represent the opinions of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official views of the American Go Association. To make name or address corrections, notify us at the email address below. Story suggestions, event announcements, Letters to the Editor and other material are welcome, subject to editing for clarity and space, and should be directed to:
Editor: Chris Garlock

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