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Chris Garlock | Published on 6/13/2005
LI, HSIANG AND HUNG LEAD MASTERS: Jie Li 9d defeated Feng Yun 9P Monday in Round 3 of the Masters Tournament. Li, who took White, won by resignation. Thomas Hsiang 7d defeated Feng Yun in Game 1 last Thursday by 3 points and Joey Hung 8d defeated Yuan Zhou 7d by resignation in Game 2 yesterday. All games have been played on the Internet Go Server; the final will be played at the U.S. Go Congress. Yilun Yang 7P and Hui RenYang 8d have dropped from the tournament due to circumstances beyond their control. "Both of Feng Yun's games were marred by technical problems," reports Tournament Coordinator Jon Boley, noting that the after the server booted Feng Yun in her game with Hsiang, the moves had to be re-entered twice and Jie Li was unable to log on to IGS for nearly 45 minutes in today's match. We're pleased to include today's exciting game, with limited commentary by Li, as a special bonus for E-Journal readers; members receive game commentaries every week in the Friday Membe r's Edition; non-members can join now at

LIN TOPS BOULDER KID'S TOURNEY: Jessica Lin 17k took top honors in the June 5 Boulder Kid's Tournament. The Boulder Kid's Go Club's second tournament drew a record 17 players as kids ranging from 5 to 12 competed for small prizes. "Winners received Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Jelly Beans and special certificates with their names," reports Paul Barchilon. "First place winner Jessica Lin received Volume One of the Hikaru no Go Manga as well." The event's publicity also drew in five new kids, and in an encouraging sign, several of the kids from the club had also competed in the Rocky Mountain Open the previous week. "With regular attendance of 15- 20 kids every week, the Colorado club continues to thrive," adds Barchilon.
        Full Winner's Report: Section A: Jessica Lin 17k; Section B: Nicolas Ledru 26k; Section C: Nick Bozik 30k; Section D: Lee Pappas 32k; Section E: Eli Bradley 45k.

US GO CONGRESS PASSES 300 MARK: Registration for this year's U.S. Go Congress has now passed the 300 mark; 305 have registered as of today, continuing a blistering pace that's well ahead of last year's record sign-ups. REGISTER ON OR BEFORE THIS WEDNESDAY, JUNE 15TH to avoid late registration fees (or call 206-579-8071, but not before 7P PDT, please). For the full preliminary CONGRESS SCHEDULE, go to  More pros have now been confirmed: from Korea, Poong-Jho Chun 8P, Sung-Rae Kim 3P and Myung-Wan Kim 7P will be attending, and from Japan, the Nihon Ki-in is sending perennial favorite Nakayama Noriyuki 6P and Sasaki Tadashi 8P to Congress in Tacoma, WA August 6-14.

SHORT SUBJECTS: NNGS DEAD? Sources tell the EJ that NNGS (the No Name Go Server) no longer seems to be operative. Anyone with further info is urged to email us at with details. HIKARU DVD COMING: Keith Arnold reports that according to the July issue of Shonen Jump, the U.S. release of the Hikaru DVD is set for September 2005.

LAST CHANCE FOR NOMINATIONS:Nominations for three spots on the AGA Board of Directors close Tuesday, June 14, at the end of the day. Nominations may be made by any full member of the AGA and must be accompanied by a notice that the person nominated has read the AGA by-laws and agrees to stand for election. The nominee must have been a full member of the AGA for one year at the time of taking office (1/1/06). Nominees thus far include Quentin Dombro and Allan Abramson in the Eastern Region, Robert Barber in the Central Region and Gordon Castanza and Willard Haynes in the Western Region. Nominations can be sent to Samuel E. Zimmerman, 2005 Election Committee:


TAKAO TAKES 3-0 LEAD IN HONINBO: Takao Shinji 8P continues to confound Cho U 9P in the 60th Japanese Honinbo title match. On June 8th and 9th he defeated Cho for the third time, taking a commanding 3-0 lead in the best-of-seven contest. Cho put too much emphasis on territory early on and was left with too many weak groups. Takao was able to use his influence very effectively and decided the game by capturing the tail of one of Cho's dragons. You can download the game record at . The next game is scheduled for June 20th and 21st in Sapporo.

OK TEUKJIN CONTINUES TO ASTOUND IN WANGWI: Last Monday we reported that Ok Teukjin 2P surprised everyone by winning the challenger's spot in the 39th Korean Wangwi. The title holder for the last nine years in a row has been Lee Changho 9P. Now Ok has continued his amazing performance by beating Lee in the first game of the title match, capturing a big dragon of Lee's. You can download the game record at . Mace Lee reports at that the reason we haven't heard much about Ok is that his professional career, which began in 1999, was interrupted for military service and he only returned to playing go full time last November. The second game in the match is scheduled for June 20th. The winner's prize is about $45,000 US.

ROADS AND HUNT TIE FOR FIRST AT DURHAM: Francis Roads 4d of Wanstead and Tim Hunt 3d of Milton Keynes tied for first with five wins each in the Durham Go Tournament in England on June 4th and 5th. There were 49 participants; Patrick Ridley 22k of Chester also had five wins. The continuous 13x13 side tournament was won by William Brooks 1d of Cambridge and the lightning tournament was won by Matthew Holton 2d of Teesside.
- reported by BGA News

YOUR MOVE: Readers Write

HE'S OK NOW: "The reason Ok Dunjin is relatively unknown is because he just came back from a draft that's mandatory for all South Korean males," writes Yi ("Ok Dunjin Challenges For Wangwi," 6/6 EJ). "The only exceptions are go players who placed first or second in international competitions. A few years away from go for a young professional in his prime is almost like a death sentence. The required draft has buried many promising young stars in South Korea. This perhaps explains why Koreans are so persistently tough in international Go tournaments, as winning is the only way out."

OF FREUDIAN SLIPS AND TYPOS: "Thanks for an interesting and enjoyable e-journal," writes Simon Goss across the Big Pond in the UK. "I couldn't help noticing the (Freudian?) slip in the International Go Federation Report, which is subtitled "Thomas Hsiang on New IGS Staff". IGS is, of course, a go server, and is different from the IGF. Another minor typo in the same article: Yukari's family name is Umezawa (not Umesawa)."
        Thanks for the sharp eye, Simon! We apologize for the errors.


GO PLAYERS WANTED: Players in or near Chico, CA. New club meets at 118 W 2nd St (Naked Lounge Coffee, downtown) every Monday, 6pm and 1st and 3rd Fridays, 7:30P, same location.


June 18: Richmond, VA
The Virginia Open
William Cobb 804-740-2191

June 18: Kalamazoo, MI
Kalamazoo's 3rd Tournament
Benjamin Schooley 989-287-0123

June 18: Piscataway, NJ
Feng Yun Youth Go Tournament

June 18-19: Ottawa, Ontario (Canada)
Friendship Open Go Tournament
Charles Chang 613-722-0603

June 25: New York, NY
NYHSGA Summer Tournament
Alex Pak

June 25-28: Hackensack, NJ
Yilun Yang Go Workshop
John Stephenson 201-612-0852

July 2-9: Oneonta, NY
East Coast Youth Camp

This is a digest of events for the next month only; for a complete listing see the Tournament Calendar on the AGA website:
For the European Go Calendar see

GET LISTED & BOOST TURN OUT! Got an upcoming event? Reach over 7,000 readers every week! List your Go event/news In the E Journal: email details to us at

Published by the American Go Association

Text material published in the AMERICAN GO E JOURNAL may be reproduced by any recipient: please credit the AGEJ as the source. PLEASE NOTE that commented game record files MAY NOT BE published, re-distributed, or made available on the web without the explicit written permission of the Editor of the E-Journal. Please direct inquiries to

Articles appearing in the E-Journal represent the opinions of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official views of the American Go Association.

To make name or address corrections, go to Story suggestions, event announcements, Letters to the Editor and other material are welcome, subject to editing for clarity and space, and should be directed to:
Editor: Chris Garlock

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