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Chris Garlock | Published on 5/13/2005

LI WRAPPING UP DC TOUR: A veritable Who's Who of local go turned out for Jie Li 9d's lecture Monday night at the NoVa Go Club in Alexandria, VA. Joining club regulars were AGA Pr esident Mike Lash, Board Chair Allan Abramson and "Way of Go" author Troy Anderson, as well as AGA Archivist Craig Hutchinson, who made it out despite being seriously ill recently. Li gave a 2-hour talk on his 6th-round 2005 US Open game, revealing a depth of strategic and tactical thinking that was roundly applauded by the rapt audience. Li's final DC-area appearance will be at an Intensive Workshop next weekend, focusing on top-level professional training techniques. Space is limited to 8 participants, 1-dan or stronger; to reserve space, or for more info, email

SUNDAY IN THE COUNTRY: Beginners and strong players alike will enjoy Sunday's tournament in Lancaster, PA, reports organizer Sam Zimmerman. "The format is designed to make beginners feel comfortable and at the same time provide a good environment for stronger players. Pairings will be done as players become available so that you do not have to wait around for the next round to start. Join us for a fun day of go!" Bagels, fruit, coffee, tea, and soda will be provided. "Even if you can join us for only part of the day, you will be able to play some go and exchange gossip with players from other areas," adds Zimmerman.

GO KIDS GO: Here's the daily schedule for the East Coast Youth Go Camp, according to organizer David Dinhofer: go, fun, go, water sports, go, soccer, go, tubing, go, hiking, go, "Well, you get the idea," says Dinhofer. "There are only two weeks left before I must submit the names of the prospective campers," Dinhofer adds. Register now at:

PARK YEONGHUN NOTCHES THIRD '05 TITLE: By a score of 3-2, Park Yeonghun 9P has won the 16th Kisung in Korea, defeating Choi Cheolhan 9P, who broke Lee Changho 9P's long domination of this title last year. This is Park's third title win in 2005. Details inMonday's issue.

TAKAO TAKES FIRST GAME IN HONINBO: Takao Shinji 8P defeated the current Honinbo Cho U 9p in the first game of the 60th Honinbo title match in Japan. Details Monday.

WEEKEND GO ACTION: K-12 Championship, KGS; Lancaster, PA

May 12: 4th Annual National K-12 Team Championship (KGS)
Christopher Vu 281-480-8615

May 15: Lancaster Go Club Self Paired Tournament
Sam Zimmerman 717-892-1249

GAO WINS ALERT READER: Jimin Gao is this week's Alert Reader winner, winning a $10 go vendor gift certificates for spotting our Alert hidden in last week's game commentary. Our favorite response was from Chris Sobolowski who wrote "At last! The highlight of a long workweek!" Winners are drawn at random from those who correctly report the Alerts. Keep a sharp eye out in all our game attachments; you could be a winner too!

GAME COMMENTARY: New Dutch, Slow Kyu & The Wrong Pincer
       We're very pleased this week to bring y ou last month's short but exciting Dutch Championship 2005 Playoff Game 1, between Frank Janssen 6d and Merlijn Kuin 5d. The Dutch Go Association has very kindly provided us with a translation of the commentary by Guo Juan 5P, which is published in the current Dutch Go Journal; Rob van Fucht did the translation.
       Our second game features Shodan Challenger Todd Dahlquist 1k, and Yilun Yang's commentary shows that slow or useless moves are one of the keys separating the kyus from the dans.
       In today's bonus file, Kaz Furuyama takes a look at the common mistake of pincering when you should slide.
       To view the attached .sgf file(s), simply save the file(s) to your computer and then open using an .sgf reader such as Many Faces of Go or SmartGo. Readers who need .sgf readers can get them for most platforms at Jan van der Steen's

GO REVIEW: Children's Padook Training Ground Primer,
Beginner's Class Compilation - 1612 Problems
The Hankuk Kiwon
Reviewed by Michael Turk 9k
       This Korean book of problems contains five sets of exam-preparation problems: two sets for the "Entrance" grade and three for "second grade". There is a wide variety of problems in each set. Apparently the solution book is only available to accredited go teachers and have had to rely on the patience of the stronger players in my club to check and discuss my attempts at solutions.
       When I discussed these seven books with my patient Korean pen-friend, she gently explained that I should not be put off by them being "Childrens' Books" because my go training was not rigorous or methodical. She said they would provide me with a firm foundation for improvement similar to that of any Korean child who studies Baduk. The books are designed to be used to provide homework or classroom drill exercises for young students studying Baduk with a teacher. Korean books can be found at:

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Published by the American Go Association; text material published in the AMERICAN GO E JOURNAL may be reproduced by any recipient: please credit the AGEJ as the source. PLEASE NOTE that commented game record files MAY NOT BE published , re-distributed, or made available on the web without the explicit written permission of the Editor of the E-Journal. Please direct inquiries to

Articles appearing in the E-Journal represent the opinions of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official views of the American Go Association. To make name or address corrections, notify us at the email address below. Story suggestions, event announcements, Letters to the Editor and other material are welcome, subject to editing for clarity and space, and should be directed to:
Editor: Chris Garlock

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