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Chris Garlock | Published on 2/28/2005
ZHAONIAN CHEN WINS NJO: Zhaonian Chen 7d won the 2005 New Jersey State Championship yesterday, ending Ke Huang's 4-year streak (he won in 2004, tied with I-Han Lui in 2003, won in 2002 and tied with Yuan Zhou and Eric Lui in 2001). Seventy-eight players turned out for the 46th annual New Jersey Open, held in Princeton February 26-27 and organized by the Princeton Go Society. Rick Mott and Paul Matthews directed the event. Longtime player Charles French, making his first appearance at a go event since suffering a stroke three years ago, showed that he's still got game. Full winners report:
     Open Section: 1st: Zhaonian Chen 7d; 2nd: Ke Huang 8d; 3rd: Weiyuan Yang 7d; 4th: Zhiyuan (Andy) Liu 6d.
     4-out-of-5 game winners: Peng Liu 5d; Wenjie Xu 4d; Jack Yang 4d; Saul Lapidus 1k; Jiangtao Gu 2k; Jared Beck 2k;  Larry Bartels 4k; Ed Hsu 7k; Chris Roudiez 8k; Nicholas Trieu 13k.

TE AM GO UPDATE: The Chapter Team league is swinging into high gear, with ten teams beginning to schedule matches,  there will be a lot of prizewinners in this event when it concludes in June. There's still time to sign up your chapter's team! Go to for more information, including the current roster, matches, standings and statistics. Preliminary results of ongoing matches: Tacoma Rainiers vs Penn Go Otaku 0-1; Triangle Go Group B vs Team Awesome 1-1; Tacoma Rainiers vs Triangle Go Group B: 1-0; Tacoma Rainiers vs Triangle Go Group A: 0-1.
- reported by Terry Benson

DOUBLE THE FUN AT YOUTH CAMPS: Go-playing youngsters who haven't signed up for this year's Youth Go Camps will want to start making plans now, reports Jon Boley. "This year we are extremely fortunate to offer Camps on both the East Coast and West Coast," says Boley, who's returning as Director for the West Coast camp at Mills College in Oakland California. "On the East Coast we will have Feng Yun, 9P, teaching alongside Bruce Wilcox," says Boley. "Feng Yun has taught some of the strongest youth in the United States and teaches go at her school in New Jersey." On the West Coast, Mingjiu Jiang 9P and Jin Chen 6d are returning this year. The East Coast Camp runs July 2-9 and the West Coast July 16-23. Check out photos, a video and download application forms (scholarships are available!) at

  ON THE RISE: As of the end of January, the following player's ratings had improved by 1.0 or more (ratings are being recalculated all the time as new data arrive, so check for the very latest ratings): Bai, Yuchen 6.27; Lim, Nengli  5.78; Zh ong, Sichen 5.55; Lu, Jing 5.05; Austin, Michael 4.59; Smith, Ryan 4.47; Yang, Jack 3.85; Sun, Calvin 3.50; Baldridge, Ethan 2.29; Sellon, Tyler 1.77; Gonzalez, Javier 1.21; Li, Tao -1.44; Capwell, Daniel -1.57; Feng, Yuchen -2.23; Wilks, Stuart -3.54; Morse, Evan -4.05; Won, Jason -5.00; Chiu, Linden -5.08; Wells, George -6.86; Parreiras, Sergio -8.48; Tsai, Ariana -8.91; Bliss, Chris -8.93; Man, Wai Cheung -9.74;  Shamblin, Adam -9.86; Brown, Frank -9.95; Carrington, Dylan -10.88; Miller, Paul -10.90; Kaplan, Michael -11.74; Wheeler, Dennis -11.89; Barth, Douglas -12.01; Xia, Daniel -12.17; Clark, Calvin -12.29; Bacon, Bob -12.36; Messenger, Josh -13.44; Mack, Michael -13.54; Young, Bruce -14.39; Tao, Albert -18.31; Schooley, Benjamin -18.97; McNelis, Nick -19.05; Kwan, Isabelle -19.83; Ku, David -20.09; Medina, Fernando   -20.42; Shen, Jerry -21.78; Wheeler, Lydia -21.94; Liu, Howard -23.16; Klock, Gordon  -23.63; Steed, Daniel -24.42; Carmical, Justin -25.17; Sailing, Amara -34.47.

REVIEWERS WANTED: Earn a $25 go vendor gift certificate by reviewing any of the following go books! "Basic Techniques of Go," by Haruyama and Nagahara, Kiseido; "The Chinese Opening," by Kato Masao, Kiseido; "Dictionary of Basic Tesuji, Volume 1," by Fujisawa Shuko, Slate & Shell; "Mastering the Basics of Go," by Lim and Dicky, Slate & Shell; "Whole Board Living Tesujis", by Chatterjee and Yang, Yutopian; "Dictionary of Basic Fuseki, Volume 1, by Rin Kaiho, Yutopian. Reviews should describe the book's content, focus on its effectiveness and usefulness and be no more than 300 words. Send reviews to us at

ONLINE UPDATING: Need to change your email address? E-Journal readers can now instantly update their contact information online! Never miss another action-packed E-Journal: just click on and you'll not onl y be able to update your email address, but your mailing address and other contact info as well.

COMING UP IN FRIDAY'S MEMBER'S EDITION: Game commentary by Liping Huang, Jay Turley reviews GoReader Cel Phone Go Software, plus latest news updates!
Non-members can sign up now at

THIS WEEK'S NEW CLASSIFIED HIGHLIGHTS: Looking for players in Missoula,  go books wanted & glass stones for sale. Check these out in Go Classified below!


SEDOL WINS MAXIM CUP: Lee Sedol 9P came back from an 0-1 deficit to win the title match for the 6th Maxim Cup in Korea, defeating Yang Jaeho 9P by a score of 2-1. All three games were won by resignation.  . This was the first time Lee Sedol had participated in this event, which Rui Naiwei 9P won last year and was defeated by her husband, Jujo Jiang 9P, in the title match the previous year. This time she was defeated by Yang Jaeho in the second round. Download the game records at

LEE CHANGHO SWEEPS 5 TO TAKE NONGSHIM CUP FOR KOREA: The Nongshim Cup international team competition came to a dramatic conclusion last Saturday in Shanghai, as Lee Changho 9P saved the day for the Korean team with a string of five consecutive victories, finishing off all the remaining members of the Chinese and Japanese teams. Lee has never been beaten in the Nongshim Cup and now has a run of fourteen victories to his credit. His last opponent this time was Wang Xi 5P of the Chinese team. The last Japanese was O Meien 9P. Lee won all five games this year by resignation. You can download the game records at

YUKI CLOS ING IN ON KISEI: The Kansai Kiin's great hope, Yuki Satoshi 9P defeated the current Kisei in Japan, Hane Naoki 9P, in only 151 moves, forcing a resignation and gaining a 3 to 2 lead in the best of seven match. Yuki managed to establish a group inside Hane's large right side moyo with a series of clever sacrifices. Download the game record at

YUN HE WINS LSE IN LONDON: Local star Yun He 7d of the London School of Economics won the first LSE tournament at the London School of Economics last Saturday. There were 41 participants. The time system for the tournament was quite unusual: twenty minutes basic time with an overtime of thirty moves in five minutes, but it was handled very professionally by the students. Yun He was undefeated. Runner up was Matthew Woodcraft 1d of Cambridge. Zaid Waqi 1 dan of Imperial College and Andrew Grant 3d of Milton Keynes als o won three of four games. Photos at
- reported by the BGA News

GU LI IN INT'L INTERNET CHAMPIONSHIP FINALS: Gu Li 7P of China has defeated Zhou Junxun 9P of Taiwan by resignation to join Kobayashi Koichi 9P of Japan in the finals in the first international internet championship. Feng Yun 9P of the US played in the first round, losing to Cho Hunhyun 9P of Korea, who was in turn defeated by Kobayashi. Gu Li eliminated the European representative, Alexandre Dinerchtein 1P in the first round. Download the game records at

YOUR MOVE: Readers Write

ORDERS OF MAGNITUDE: "You guys are just not having any luck with math!," writes Roy Schmidt. "Hot on the heels of the 3+2 = 6 apology, you run Roy Laird's news about solving 5x5 go.  He says 'At about a quarter of the full-board version, 5x5 go is miniscule...'  5/19 might be close to 1/4, but when we square it, it's closer to 1/16:  that is, 25/361 = about 1/14." Adds Kirk Martinez, "5x5 go has on the order of 25 (factorial) possible game paths, whereas 19x19 go has on the order of 361, which is unfathomably more complex - 'orders of magnitude' does not even do it justice.  The two games are in different universes." Martinez goes on to say that "It would be very interesting to hear more details from (Dr. van der Werf)  about recent progress on solving 6x6 and 7x7 go, (as well as) any communication he might have with Mr. Maasaki."

ONLINE GO: 5x5 Go Updated, EJ Archived & On CD
by Roy Laird
      Our sharp-eyed readers (see above) are of course quite correct (I was inexplicably thinking of a 9x9 board). Fortunately, my column provoked some interesting follow-ups, including inspiring Myron Souris, the man behind the "problem of the Week" series on the AGA's home page, to discuss the unexpected complexity he's found on boards as small as 2x2.  To download this analysis, go to
      Dr. van der Werf successfully defended his dissertation on "AI Techniques in the game of Go" in January.  He has written extensively on the subject and you can visit his home page at for a link to a bibliography which includes the full text of many publications.  When I asked how MIGOS has done against human opponents, van der Werf told the E-Journal: "A while ago Migos played two gam es for a radio interview against Robert Rehm a former Dutch champion, 5 dan, 2508 EGF. The first game Migos started with c3 and, not surprisingly, won by 25 points. For the second game I manually played MIGOS' first move on c2 so that Robert would have a chance and both players could make a living group. This game ended with the optimal result of a 3 point win for black (much like the example shown on my website). Robert did not make any mistakes. So far Migos has not faced a human opponent for the b2 opening (except for myself, ~1k). The main reason is that it takes quite long to play a game (which is annoying for a radio interview). However, I expect that strong human players should also be able to play that opening without mistakes (although they will not be as sure as my program :-))."
      Did you know that you can look up any issue of The American Go E-Journal?  At /EJournal/archive/EJarchive.asp, you will find a link to, which maintained an archive from the EJ's inception in 2001 to match 2004, and a list that picks up from that issue onward.
      Another way to view the EJ's contents is on the CD-ROM in the AGA Yearbook.  Go to to see the complete contents of last year's CD -- except the games and problems of course!  This year's edition is in the mail now and it's free to full members of the AGA.
      (See Dr. Laird at work in this week's Home Page photo at


PLAYERS WANTED: MT: Missoula Go Club meets every Friday at World Games of Montana @ 6P. Contact Karissa at missoulagoclub@go .com

WANTED: Go books: Killer of Go - Sakata Eio; Enclosure Josekis - Masaki Takemiya; Breakthrough to Shodan - Naoki Miyamoto; Jungsuk in Our Time, Korean Style of Baduk 1 - Lee Chang Ho et. al.; Pair Go; Master of Go - Yasunara Kawabata; Girl Who Played Go - Shan Sa; Go: More Than a Game  - Chatterjee et. al.. nemir nemiria :

FOR SALE: 8.0mm Japanese glass stones in original Ishi Press Co. box, full set, $25. 8.0mm Japanese glass stones in heavy brown plastic bowls, full set, $35. Buyer pays shipping. Contact Anton at

BUY, SELL, OR TRADE equipment, books and go materials, find a go teacher, find someone to play go with! Complete go classifieds online at


March 4: Bethesda, MD
Yuan Zhou 7d Monthly Lesson
8:30P; Cedar La ne Unitarian Church, 9601 Cedar Lane, Bethesda.  
Haskell Small

March 5:  Sacramento, CA
Davis-Sacramento Go Club Quarterly Tournament
Fred Hopkins 916-548-8068

March 6:  Chicago, IL
Remember the Alamo!
Bob Barber 773-467-0423

March 6:  Seattle, WA
Monthly Ratings Tournament
Jon Boley 206-545-1424

March 6:  Boston, MA
Even Game Tournament (2 kyu and stronger)
Zack Grossbart 617-497-1232

March 19:  Raleigh, NC
Spring Fuseki
Troy Hurteau 919-515-3318

March 19:  Ann Arbor, MI
Spring To urnament
Eric Jankowski 734-417-5547

March 20:  Sunnyvale, CA
9th. Jujo Jiang Cup Youth Goe Tournament
Mingjiu Jiang 650-969-2857

March 26:  Baltimore, MD
3rd Annual Hopkins GO Tournament
Robert Ferguson

March 26:  Denton, TX
Yet Another Go Tournament
Paisa Seeluangsawat 940-367-2537

April 2:  Arlington, VA
Cherry Blossom
Allan Abramson 703-684-7676

April 2:& nbsp; Syracuse, NY
Syracuse Spring Ratings Tournament
Anton Ninno 315-479-9073

June 25-28:  Hackensack, NJ
2005 NJ Yang Yi-lun 7p Go Workshop
John Stephenson 201-612-0852

August 6-14:  Tacoma, WA
21st US Go Congress
Steve Stringfellow 253-761-9466

This is a digest of events for the next month only; for a complete listing see the Tournament Calendar on the AGA website:
For the European Go Calendar see

GET LISTE D & BOOST TURN OUT! Got an upcoming event? Reach over 7,000 readers every week! List your Go event/news In the E Journal: email details to us at

Published by the American Go Association

Text material published in the AMERICAN GO E JOURNAL may be reproduced by any recipient: please credit the AGEJ as the source. PLEASE NOTE that commented game record files MAY NOT BE published, re-distributed, or made available on the web without the explicit written permission of the Editor of the E-Journal. Please direct inquiries to

Articles appearing in the E-Journal represent the opinions of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official views of the American Go Association.
To make name or address corrections, notify us at the email address below. Story suggestions, event announcements, Letters to the Editor and other material are welcome, subject to editing for clarity and space, and should be directed to:
Editor: Chris Garlock

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