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Chris Garlock | Published on 2/14/2005

ZHAONIAN CHEN WINS WGP ROUND 10: Zhaonian Chen took first place in the Western Go Pla yers (WGP) Round 10 ladder play, which wrapped up last night. Organizer Robert O'Malley reports that 104 players participated from across the US, as well as players from Canada and Australia, completing over 170 matches in six weeks. The Western Go Ladder is patterned after play in the Korean Go Academy: winning 2/3 of your matches in any round promotes one to the next round, and losing 2/3 shifts one down. "It is a very rapid sort on playing strength, and gives one competitive, tournament style matches every round," explains O'Malley, who adds "It is well-suited to rapidly improving players, and this round we had over 40% youth participation, high school age or younger."  New players are being added now for Round 11, which starts Monday, February 21.  Players can sign up from the Western Go results page at
        Results for the dan-level tiers:  Tier 1 (5D-6D+) Zhaonian Chen (HS, NJ) took 1st, going 3-0 and Jim Hyuang (UG, CA) took 2nd going 3-1.  In Tier 2, Tiffany Tsai (UG, CA) took 1st (3-0), Jason Gu (HS, NJ) (2-0) took 2nd, and Steve Burrall (CA) (2-1) took 3rd.  Tier 3:  Tak Cheng (UG, NY) took 1st (3-1),  Zhe Fu (GS, OR) (2-1) took 2nd, and Matt Burrall (MS, CA) (2-1) took 3rd.  In Tier 4: Brian Leahy (CA) (3-1) took 1st.  In Tier 5 (1D):  Michael Cheng (HS, CA) (4-0) took 1st, Tommy Slater (HS, CA) (2-1) took 2nd.  Christopher Kiguchi (ES, NJ) attains his promotion to the 1D tier, going (5-1) in Tier 6 (1K-2K).  For a complete listing of results, see

CARY SPANKS TACOMA IN 1ST TEAM MATCH: The Cary (NC) Go Club roundly defeated the Tacoma Rainiers 3-0 in the first AGA team match results. Cary's Owen Chen won by resignation over Gordon Castanza of the Tacoma Rainiers in a 9-stone game on 2/7, while Brad Jones (Cary) took White against Jeff Horn (Tacoma) and won by 22.5 points in a 2/9 match, and Feng Ye (Cary) completed the sweep on 2/10 when he gave David Ma (Tacoma) 3 stones and won by 9.5. Sign up now or find out more about the brand-new Team League at

THE GATES OF GO: Inspired by the biggest public art installation in New York City's history, the E-Journal is sponsoring a photo contest entitled "The Gates of Go." Send us your go-themed photo of Christo and Jean-Claude's "The Gates" and you could be a winner! "The Gates, Central Park, New York, 1079-2005" is on display now in New York's Central Park, a glowing river of 7,500 bright orange vinyl gates hung with saffron curtains winding through 23 miles of park paths. A joyful public spectacle, "The Gates" opened last Saturday, is free to all, and ends on February 27. In ke eping with Christo's elegant and simple design, our "Gates" contest guidelines are minimal: photos must include "The Gates" and must also relate in some way to the game of go. Digital photos only; deadline midnight February 27, 2005; email to Winners will be announced in the E-Journal, receive go vendor gift certificates and winning submissions will be published on the AGA website.

GO TIMBUKTU: A magnetic go set and a copy of "The Way to Go" are standard travel equipment for American Go Foundation President Terry Benson, who can be seen on our website this week playing on the edge of the Saharan desert during a recent trip to Timbuktu. "Once home to 25,000 students and a great center of world learning long before the European universities, Timbuktu is now a dusty small city fighting a battle with the invading sands of the Sahara," Benson reports. "Mankala is a wonderful game but no center of learning is compl ete without go." This week's AGA homepage photo features Benson introducing Steve Edmonds (a middle school teacher from Australia) to the game on a colorful rug outside a Tuareg tent on the edge of the desert. See it at

10TH MD YANG WORKSHOP ALMOST FULL: Just a few spots are left for the 10th annual Yilun Yang 7P workshop sponsored by the Greater Washington Go. The workshop, set for March 17-20, in Germantown, MD, consists of lectures and game analysis on games (non-AGA rated) played at the workshop, which starts Thursday morning and goes through Sunday afternoon, beginning each day at 9A and ending around 9P. Cost is $180 for adults, $135 for children under 18. Space is limited (there are only two places left): register at

MASTERGO PASSES 30K MARK: The latest release of the MasterGo software includes 30,102 games , as well as several new features, including a "favorites" list. The expanded game collection includes seven players who have over 1,000 games: Cho Hun-hyeon (1,291 games), Hashimoto Utaro (1,212), Rin Kaiho (1,161), Cho Chikun (1,157), Yi Chang-ho (1,116), Takagawa Kaku (1,100) and Kato Masao (1,051 games). In addition, 99 players have 150 or more of their games in the MasterGo database. Download now at   The next upgrade is expected in July, with more game collections and enhancements for the featured game list.

EARLY SURGE FOR GO CONGRESS: A dozen people have already registered for the 2005 US Go Congress, ranging in playing strength from 18k to 6d! See who's coming, plus all about this year's biggest U.S. go event at

CLASSIFIEDS REALLY WORK: "The E-Journal classifieds are terri fic!" writes Anton Ninno. "They've helped me sell some books, magazines, and equipment that were gathering dust in my closet, and made several E-Journal subscribers very happy. Readers who want to turn old go books into new ones, or generate some cash to upgrade their go sets, should try placing classified ads. It's a very effective way to buy, sell, and trade!"

COMING UP IN FRIDAY'S MEMBER'S EDITION: A look at the January 24 LG Cup semifinal between Lee Changho 9P and Yu Bin 9P, the latest lesson from Kaz Furuyama and Michael Turk reviews "How to Play Handicap Go." Non-members can sign up now at 

THIS WEEK'S NEW CLASSIFIED HIGHLIGHTS: 20-22k beginner looking for a teacher in Miami FL area; Louisville Go Meetup sets dates; looking for players in Miami, FL. Check out these and much more in Go Classified below!


REDMOND 1-1 FOR 2005: Michael Redmond 9P lost a game in the A Preliminary of the 61st Honinbo in Japan, resigning to Kojima Takaho 9P on February 3rd. He won against Atsushi Tsuruyama 5P in the A Preliminary of the 44th Judan back in January, so he is now 1 and 1 for the year.
- reported by John Power on the Nihon Kiin's home page

CHINEN TAKES FIRST GAME IN WOMEN'S KISEI TITLE MATCH: Chinen Kaori, the current Women's Honinbo in Japan, defeated Kato Tomoko 5P back in January to win the challenger's role in the 8th Women's Kisei against Mannami Kana. Chinen also won the first game of the best-of-three-games title match, on February 9th, by a score of 3.5 points with Black. Chinen won the Women's Kisei four years in a row, from 2000 to 2003, before losing it last year to Mannami two games to one, so she seems determined to take it back this year. The triumph last year was Mannami's first title win.

ZHOU WINS 7 IN 11 TO CHA LLENGE FOR TIANYUAN: Zhou Heyang 9P, who is on a hot streak, having won seven games in eleven days, has defeated Kong Jie 7P to become the challenger for the 19th Tianyuan title in China. In the game, Zhou pulled ahead in a territorial battle and Kong was left with the problem of finding a proper place to resign. Using an effective leaning attack, he cut off a large group of Zhou's stones, but the group could easily make two eyes. When it did, Kong resigned. You can download the game record at The winner's prize in the Tianyuan is about $6,000 US. Zhou is currently the number 2 Chinese pro and Kong is number 3. The Tianyuan title holder, Gu Li 7P is the number 1 pro in China, but Zhou has a plus record against him, having won five games and lost only two. This should be an interesting best-of-three-game title match.

CHOI DEFEATS LEE CHANGHO AGAIN IN KUKSU: Choi Cheo lhan 9P has defeated Lee Changho 9P for the second time in the 48th Korean Kuksu title match to take a 2-0 lead in the best-of-five-game match. This game ended with Lee's resignation after 196 moves, so Lee hung on for 50 moves longer than in the first game. The game started with a classic two star points against two star points opening, and Choi let Lee get all four corners. But Lee's weak group in the center was so vulnerable that Choi was able to build up enough territory attacking it to force Lee to resign. You can download the game record at . The next game will be on February 19th. The Kuksu is the longest running pro tournament in Korea; the winner's purse is about $28,000 US. Choi took the title from Lee Changho last year by a score of 3-2 in a title match in which Black won every game. So far, Black is doing the same thing in this match.


NEW! WANTED: 20-22k beginner looking for a teacher willing to help me study go, either online or in person (Miami, FL in the Miami-Dade area). Please e-mail at

FOR SALE: British Go Journals, May 1980 to Autumn 1994. Almost the complete set, issues #48 to #96 (missing issue #54); all in pretty good condition. $100+ S/H from Wisconsin. Steve

FOR SALE: Chinese Go board:

FOR SALE, Go Board, Bowls & Stones. Kaya wood board; Masame, Shihomasa cut, with Hand carved Kuriashi style legs. Stones: Hyuga  Clam  (Moon or Flower) &  Nachi Guro Slate. Bowls: A ged Mulberry wood hand-turned Masame straight grain cut. The board was originally purchased in Tokyo in 1971, the bowls have a little bit of wear but lovely grain, & the stones are beautifully aged but some are missing. Asking $2,500 US; negotiable. for details & pix


FREE LESSON: 5d offering one free lesson on a server of your choice for potential
students.  Contact josh at for more details. (1/10)
- WANTED: 14-year-old with a ranking of 17k would like a teacher to play games with, and help my game improve to shod level. E-mail me at
- DIANA KOSZEGI, Hungarian 6 d, is now offering lessons on KGS. For more information please visit
- JOEY HUNG 8d is giving lessons on both IGS and KGS usin g voice chat skype.  For detail, email Joey is also giving free lessons on KGS from 8-9P PST. (11/29)
- CORNEL BURZO 6d EGF (7d AGA) is teaching online on IGS and KGS, also using skype voice chat, for pricing check or email  (12/6)

AK: Juneau, Alaska ; (8/23)
AL: Birmingham or Hoover: email I'm about 5k; any level is welcome. (9/6)
CA: Fresno/Visalia, meeting at Borders, 4kyu player,
CO: Grand Junction: Beginner looking for players; email  (12/6)
NEW! FL: Looking for people in the Miami-Dade area or nearby who are willing to get together to play and study go. Contact:
FL: Ft. Myers: Looking for players in the area interested in starting a go club; email  (11/29)
FL: Tampa Bay; Looking for players within 30 minutes of Tampa Bay to help create a club which might be located near USF.  (9/27)
IL: Northern Illinois, Gurnee area. Any rank, age, or shoe size welcome. Looking for friendly or teaching games. Contact (15 kyu) Joe at (9/6)
IN: Bloomington: Want to help start an AGA chapter?  Contact me now at  (11/08/04)
NEW! KY: Louisville; The Louisville G o Meetup ( ) meets on the second Saturday of every month at 2P; Ed Hammerbeck,
MA: Looking for players to meet on the South Shore, possibly at Thomas Crane Library or Panera's Bread in Quincy. E-mail
ME: Looking for players in the Southern Maine area;
MT: Anyone in Missoula playing go? A beginner friend of mine might like to meet up if you are willing to teach an eager, quick-learning absolute beginner. Email
NC: Asheville: Looking for go players; contact Rodney Keaton
NH: Hanover, Meets 2-5 PM Wed at Hopkins Center Cafeteria;
NV: Las Vegas; Looking for players a new, and I believe the first, area go club. Anyone interested should contact Aaron Thomas at (11/29)
NV: Reno: The Reno Go Club ( ) is looking for people interested in go. Email:
NY, Long Island:  11k player looking for friendly in-person games in the Suffolk County area.  Open to the possibility of forming a local club/AGA chapter.
NY: Syracuse; The Syracuse Go Club invites players who live anywhere near Utica, Geneva, Oswego, and  Cortland to join them on Monday nights. Visit the club's website at: egoclub
PA: Phoenixville; Looking for players to join a small bunch of go beginners each week in Phoenixville for Saturday afternoon Go.  Contact Craig at
PA: Philadelphia; the Penn Go Society meets Wednesday evenings 5:30P in Houston Hall on the University of Pennsylvania campus, 3417 Spruce Street.  Players of all levels welcome. Email either Matthew Bengtson or Peter Nassar for details  (12/6)
SC: Charleston/Lowcountry area. Total beginner looking for teaching and friendly games. Contact Doug:
WA: Looking for players in Everett to establish regular go night, maybe at Library Coffee Shop or Bargreens. E-mail
WI: Milwaukee: Beginner (about 27k on KGS) looking for friendly and thoughtful in-person games around the Milwaukee area. It would be great to someday be able to start a local AGA chapter as well. Email:, or send message on KGS to "elefunt"

GOT GO STUFF TO SELL, SWAP OR WANT TO BUY? Do it here and reach over 5,000 Go players worldwide every week at Go Classified! Listings are free and run 4 weeks; send to us at


February 26 & 27:  Princeton, NJ
New Jersey Open
Rick Mott 609-466-1602

March 5:  Sacramento, CA
Davis-Sacramento Go Club Quarterly Tournament
Fred Hopkins 916-548-8068

March 6: Boston, MA
Even Game Tournament (for players 2 kyu and stronger)
Zack Grossbart  617-497-1232

March 6:  Chicago, IL
Remember the Alamo!
Bob Barber 773-467-0423

March 6:  Seattle, WA
Monthly Ratings Tournament
Jon Boley 206-545-1424

March 17-20:  Germantown, MD
10th Annual Maryland Yang Workshop
Gordon Fraser 301-540-2640

March 19:  Raleigh, NC
Spring Fuseki
Troy Hurteau 919-515-3318 pringtournament/

March 19:  Ann Arbor, MI
Spring Tournament
Eric Jankowski 734-417-5547

June 25-28:  Hackensack, NJ
2005 NJ Yang Yi-lun 7p Go Workshop
John Stephenson 201-612-0852

This is a digest of events for the next month only; for a complete listing see the Tournament Calendar on the AGA website:
For the European Go Calendar see

GET LISTED & BOOST TURN OUT! Got an upco ming event? Reach over 7,000 readers every week! List your Go event/news In the E Journal: email details to us at

Published by the American Go Association

Text material published in the AMERICAN GO E JOURNAL may be reproduced by any recipient: please credit the AGEJ as the source. PLEASE NOTE that commented game record files MAY NOT BE published, re-distributed, or made available on the web without the explicit written permission of the Editor of the E-Journal. Please direct inquiries to

Articles appearing in the E-Journal represent the opinions of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official views of the American Go Association.
To make name or address corrections, notify us at the email address below. Story suggestions, event announcements, Letters to the Editor and other material are welcome, subject to editing for clarity and space, and should be directed to:
Editor: Chris Garlock

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