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Chris Garlock | Published on 2/7/2005

JIANG WINS N.A. FUJITSU QUALIFIER: Besting a strong field of 12 top players, Jujo Jiang 9P has won the recently-conc luded 2005 North American Fujitsu Qualifier. Played online on IGS for the second year, the top eight finishers are: Jujo Jiang 9P, Thomas Hsiang 7d, Hui Ren Yang 1P, Steven Lee, I-han Lui 7d, Yuan Zhou 7d, Zhaonian Chen 7d and Edward Kao 6d. In the Round 3 game between Hui Ren Yang and Jujo Jiang to determine this year's North American representative to the Fujitsu, there was some unintended drama when, in the middle of the game, Hui Ren Yang was booted from IGS and found that when he logged back on, IGS had prematurely finished the game as a resignation for Jujo Jiang.  "Both players agreed to reset the board up and we were able to get the board back to its proper state and the clocks were also restored to a reasonable time," reports Tournament Director Jon Boley, who adds that "Both players were very helpful in getting the game restarted and Jujo ended up wining the game." Boley also extended thanks to "all the players for attending this years tournament, their refere es, and the two Game Directors, Joe Carl and John Hogan."

GARLOCK TOPS NOVA MAY MADNESS: Chris Garlock 2d swept all his games Saturday to take top honors in the February 4 NoVa May Madness tournament (held early because of scheduling for the Cherry Blossom in March). There were 38 players and Alan Abramson organized and ran the event. 
       Full winner's report: 1st (4-0): Chris Garlock, 2d; Jun Hwang 1d; John Zhao 6k; Alpha Chen 12k; Dave Hough, 21k; Kevin Chin 26k. 2nd: Chuck Robbins, 4d; Alan Perrin 2k; Bob Bacon 12k; Robert Ferguson 16k; Ben Farmer 26k. 3rd: Sergio Perreiras 11k; Scott Waldron 12k

FENG WINS DENVER TOURNEY: Sixteen-year-old Zipei Feng 7d won Denver's Winter Tournament on January 29, attended by 47 players from Colorado, Utah and North Carolina. "This makes this one of the biggest tournament ever in the region," reports organizer Ulo Tamm. "We welcomed the out-of-state folk, but were not too h appy that out of possible 5 first places they took two." Adds Tamm "Just kidding! We were very pleased of their attendance and hope that for the next tournament we can get some folks from New Mexico, or have they stopped playing go there?" Tournament directors were Stu Horowitz and Ulo Tamm. See a photo of Zipei Feng playing Jung Hoon Lee on the AGA's website at 
       Winners report: Open (8 players): 1: Feng, Zipei, 7d; 2: Lee, Jung Hoon, 7d; 3: Weiss, David, 3d. 2d-5k (14 players): 1: Chung, Rim, 2d; 2: Kenyon, Anthony, 3k; 3: White, Ron, 4k. 7-10k (11 players): 1: Wallstedt, Michael, 7k (UT); 2: Cheney, Brock, 7 k (UT); 3: Meyer, Robert, 8k. 11-19k (8 players): 1: Parreiras, Sergio, 11k (NC) ; 2: Strohmann, Thomas, 11k; 3: Hardman, Dennis, 14k. 20k and up (7 players): 1: Carmical, Justin, 26k; 2: Edwards, Brad, 20k; 3: Jord, Karen, 23k.
GO CLASS OFFERED AT RUTGERS: A non-credit beginner's class in go is being taught for the first time at Rutgers University in New Jersey this semester, reports Rob Muldowney. "The class is being offered through the recreation department which has expanded its offerings in recent years to include classes in non-athletic activities," says Muldowney. Twenty students registered and additional students were placed on a waiting list for the class, which will meet six times. Although Muldowney doesn't expect the class to be ready for full-board play by the end of the sessions, "The Highland Park Go Club meets at the same time and day and in a nearby building so the students will have a place to continue playing after the class ends." Contact Muldowney at

SF CLUB HOSTS NEWBIE LESSONS: The San Francisco Go Club is hosting lessons for beginners (never played to about 5k) on Tuesday nights at 7P, reports Dave Marvit. Beginner lessons are taught by Guy Morea u (AGA 2d); lessons for stronger players (7k up to about 2d) are held on Wednesdays at 7P and are taught by Dong Zhang (AGA 6d). "Please join us and get stronger!" Marvit urges. Email him at or check out the club's website at

GO CEL PHONE?  If you have go software on your cell phone, we'd like to hear about it! Anton Ninno tracked down two programs online: Go Reader for Nokia phones:   JimmyGo for mobile phones and PDAs   Let us know how these work and if there are more. Email us at

WHO'S TOPS? Still no correct answers to our contest in Friday's Member's Edition! If you think you know the answer, send it to us at and we'll choose a $10 go vendor prize-winner at random from among the correct answers.

COMING UP IN FRIDAY'S MEMBER'S EDITION: Yilun Yang on a game by Shodan Challenger John Irving (KGS 17k); Tom Obenchain reviews "Attack and Defense," Alert Reader winners and the 2005 U.S. Go Congress registration form! Non-members can sign up now at 

THIS WEEK'S NEW CLASSIFIED HIGHLIGHTS: NY, Long Island: 11k player looking for friendly in-person games in the Suffolk County area. Check out this and much more in Go Classified below!

YOUR MOVE: Readers Write

HOUSTON TOURNEY? "I could like to know when the next Houston Go Tournament will be," writes Daniel Sun. "Do you have any schedule yet?" The club is planning a 2-day tourney in April, reports Mike Peng. Keep an eye on the club web site at or you can always get the latest tournament and event schedule on the AGA's tournament page at

ANNUAL CHALLENGE? "Is the Shodan Challenge a 'one-time' occurrence?" wonders Aaron Quigley. "Or do you do this every year?" Shodan Challengers are kyu-level players who have publicly accepted the challenge of trying to achieve 1-dan by this year's U.S. Go Congress in Tacoma, Washington. This is the first time we've done this, but because of the popularity, it's likely we'll do it again. To sign up as a Shodan Challenger, email us today at journal@usg,org

ROCKS UNDER THE SAND: "In his most recent column (The Empty Board: Shifting Sands, 1/28/05), Bill Cobb implied that there is no solid basis for play in go," writes Milton Bradley. "The ideas that govern play aren't absolutes, or go wouldn't be worth playing. They are generic 'rules of behavior' which provide intelligent and flexible guidelines to good play that are usually (but certainly not always) true." Bradley goes on to say that "Most of these ideas are surprisingly simple, and the key to applying them efficiently is to recognize that in order to produce the desired result they must be backed up with precise and appropriate tactics. That means that even if all of the ideas are completely understood, that knowledge alone cannot transform one into a strong player. They therefore exemplify the kind of concept that mathematics describes as 'necessary but not sufficient'". Bradley's list of "General Principles Of Good Go Play" is available from him at and how to apply them is spelled out in his new book "Improve Fast In Go", which is currently seeking a publisher.


KOBAYASHI IN FINALS OF INT'L INTERNE T CHAMPIONSHIP: Kobayashi Koichi 9P of Japan defeated Cho Hunhyun 9P of Korea by resignation on February 5th to reach the finals of the new International Internet Championship. Cho defeated Feng Yun 9P of the USA in the first round (Feng Yun's commentary on that game was attached to the January 7th issue of the E-Journal). Kobayashi's opponent in the finals will be either Gu Li 7P of China, who defeated Alexandre Dinerchtein 1P of Europe in the first round, or Zhou Junzun 9P of Taiwan, who defeated Japan's Hane Naoki 9P in round one. You can download all the game records at

NEW CHINA-KOREA TEAM MATCH ORGANIZED: A new international pro competition has been created. It pits five player teams from China and Korea against each other in a five round contest. All the members of each team play each other in each round. The first two rounds were held on February 4th and 5th in Beijing and resulted in a tie score of six wins and four loses for each team, with China going 3-2 in the first round and Korea doing the same in round two. The match now moves to Korea. You can download all the games at . The Chinese team includes Hu Yaoyu 7P, Luo Xihe 9P, Wang Lei 8P, Wang Xi 5P, and Zhou Heyang 9P. The Koreans are Choi Cheolhan 9P, Kim Seongryong 9P, Park Yeonghun 9P, Song Taekon 7P, and Yoo Changhyuk 9P. Three players won both of their first two games: Choi Cheolhan, Zhou Heyang, and Hu Yaoyu. The closest game was a territorial battle with lots of captured stones between Zhou Heyang and Song Taekon in the second round. Zhou won by 2.5 points.

HANE TAKES LEAD IN KISEI: Hane Naoki won the third game of the 29th Kisei title match in Japan, played in Hokkaido on February 2nd and 3rd. As exciting as the first two, Yuki Satoshi 9P, the Kan sai Kiin pro, got off to a good start and gained the lead after a big ko fight. However, later in the game he began playing too loosely and ended up losing by 1.5 points to Hane Naoki Kisei, who now leads in the match 2-1. You can download the game at . Black 159, a simple grab for territory, is considered the losing move.
- reported by

CHO CHIKUN TO CHALLENGE FOR JUDAN: At the end of January, Cho Chikun passed a major milestone by winning his 1,200th game as a pro, a victory by resignation over Yamashita Keigo 9P in the Gosei tournament. Cho then beat Takao Shinji 8P by 1.5 points to win the right to challenge O Rissei 9P for the 43rd Judan title in Japan. The game was notable for Cho's decision to sacrifice a large group in order to win a huge corner-side territory, after which he m anaged to eke out a narrow win. See how Cho throws away fourteen stones when you download the game record at  Cho had to win five games to become the Judan challenger, and though he won two of them by resignation, he won the other three games by a total of 4.5 points, an average of a slim 1.5 points per game.


FOR SALE: British Go Journals, May 1980 to Autumn 1994. Almost the complete set, issues #48 to #96 (missing issue #54); all in pretty good condition. $100+ S/H from Wisconsin. Steve

FOR SALE, Go Board, Bowls & Stones. Kaya wood board; Masame, Shihomasa cut, with Hand carved Kuriashi style legs. Stones: Hyuga  Clam  (Moon or Flower) &  Nachi Guro Slate. Bowls: Aged Mulberry wood hand-turned Masame straight grain cut. The board was ori ginally purchased in Tokyo in 1971, the bowls have a little bit of wear but lovely grain, & the stones are beautifully aged but some are missing. Asking $2,500 US; negotiable. for details & pix

ADULT CAMP? I've always wondered why Go Camp is just for kids; are there other adults out there who would be interested in being kids again and organizing our own Go Camp for grown-ups? Let David Dinhofer know at


FREE LESSON: 5d offering one free lesson on a server of your choice for potential
students.  Contact josh at for more details. (1/10)
- WANTED: 14-year-old with a ranking of 17k would like a teacher to play games with, and help my game improve to shod level. E-mail me at
- DIANA KOSZEGI, Hungarian 6 d, is now offering lessons on KGS. For more information please visit
- JOEY HUNG 8d is giving lessons on both IGS and KGS using voice chat skype.  For detail, email Joey is also giving free lessons on KGS from 8-9P PST. (11/29)
- CORNEL BURZO 6d EGF (7d AGA) is teaching online on IGS and KGS, also using skype voice chat, for pricing check or email  (12/6)

AK: Juneau, Alaska ; (8/23)
AL: Birmingham or Hoover: email I'm about 5k; any level is welcome. (9/6)
CA: Fresno/Visalia, meeting at Borders, 4kyu player,
CO: Grand Junction: Beginner looking for players; email  (12/6)
FL: Ft. Myers: Looking for players in the area interested in starting a go club; email  (11/29)
FL: Tampa Bay; Looking for players within 30 minutes of Tampa Bay to help create a club which might be located near USF.  (9/27)
IL: Northern Illinois, Gurnee area. Any rank, age, or shoe size welcome. Looking for friendly or teaching games. Contact (15 kyu) Joe at (9/6)
IN: Bloomington: Want to help start an AGA chapter?  Contact me now at  (11/08/04)
KY: Louisville; I would like to start a go chapter in Louisville; I am a
total beginner, but I would still like to play with some actual human
beings. Interested folks should contact
MA: Looking for players to meet on the South Shore, possibly at Thomas Crane Library or Panera's Bread in Quincy. E-mail
ME: Looking for players in the Southern Maine area;
MT: Anyone in Missoula playing go? A beginner friend of mine
might like to meet up if you are willing to teach an eager, quick-learning
absolute beginner. Email
NC: Ash eville: Looking for go players; contact Rodney Keaton
NH: Hanover, Meets 2-5 PM Wed at Hopkins Center Cafeteria;
NV: Las Vegas; Looking for players a new, and I believe the first, area go club. Anyone interested should contact Aaron Thomas at (11/29)
NV: Reno: The Reno Go Club ( ) is looking for people interested in go. Email:
NEW! NY, Long Island:  11k player looking for friendly in-person games in the Suffolk County area.  Open to the possibility of forming a local club/AGA chapter.
NY: Syracuse; The Syracuse Go Club invites players who live anywhere near Utica, Geneva, Oswego, and  Cortland to join them on Monday nights. Visit the club's website at: http://groups.yahoocom/group/syracusegoclub
: Phoenixville; Looking for players to join a small bunch of go beginners each week in Phoenixville for Saturday afternoon Go.  Contact Craig at
PA: Philadelphia; the Penn Go Society meets Wednesday evenings 5:30P in Houston Hall on the University of Pennsylvania campus, 3417 Spruce Street.  Players of all levels welcome. Email either Matthew Bengtson or Peter Nassar for details  (12/6)
SC: Charleston/Lowcountry area. Total beginner looking for teaching and friendly games. Contact Doug:
WA: Looking for players in Everett to establish regular go night, maybe at Library Coffee Shop or Bargreens. E-mail
WI: Milwaukee: Beginner (about 27k on KGS) looking for friendly and thoughtful in-person games around the Milwaukee area. It would be great to someday be able to start a local AGA chapter as well. Email:, or sen d message on KGS to "elefunt"

GOT GO STUFF TO SELL, SWAP OR WANT TO BUY? Do it here and reach over 5,000 Go players worldwide every week at Go Classified! Listings are free and run 4 weeks; send to us at


February 26 & 27:  Princeton, NJ
New Jersey Open
Rick Mott 609-466-1602

March 5:  Sacramento, CA
Davis-Sacramento Go Club Quarterly Tournament
Fred Hopkins 916-548-8068

March 6:  Chicago, IL
Spring Tournament
Bob Barber 773-467-0423

March 6:  Seattle, WA
Monthly Ratings Tournament
Jon Boley 206-545-1424

March 17-20:  Germantown, MD
10th Annual Maryland Yang Workshop
Gordon Fraser 301-540-2640

June 25-28:  Hackensack, NJ
2005 NJ Yang Yi-lun 7p Go Workshop
John Stephenson 201-612-0852

This is a digest of events for the next month only; for a complete listing see the Tournament Calendar on the AGA website:
 the European Go Calendar see

GET LISTED & BOOST TURN OUT! Got an upcoming event? Reach over 7,000 readers every week! List your Go event/news In the E Journal: email details to us at

Published by the American Go Association

Text material published in the AMERICAN GO E JOURNAL may be reproduced by any reci pient: please credit the AGEJ as the source. PLEASE NOTE that commented game record files MAY NOT BE published, re-distributed, or made available on the web without the explicit written permission of the Editor of the E-Journal. Please direct inquiries to

Articles appearing in the E-Journal represent the opinions of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official views of the American Go Association.
To make name or address corrections, notify us at the email address below. Story suggestions, event announcements, Letters to the Editor and other material are welcome, subject to editing for clarity and space, and should be directed to:
Editor: Chris Garlock

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