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Chris Garlock | Published on 1/7/2005
CHO DEFEATS FENG YUN IN ROUND 1 OF INTERNET TOURNEY: Cho Hunhyun 9P of Korea defeated Feng Yun 9P of the U.S. Monday night, January 3, in the first round of the Nihon Kiin='92s 80th Anniversary Internet World Open Go Championship. Other first-round winners are Kobayashi Koichi 9p of Japan, Gu Li 7p of China and Zhou Jinxing 9p of Taiwan.

ZHOU BEGINS 2005 1ST FRIDAY SERIES: Yuan Zhou 7d begins a newyear of his monthly lessons at the Greater Washington (DC) Go Club tonight at 8:30P in the basement of the Cedar Lane Unitarian Church, 9601 Cedar Lane, Bethesda, MD. ='Bring game records to participate ($5), or observe for free,=' says GWGC's Haskell Small. ='Don't have a game? Come early -- official opening time is 7P -- to play and record a game.=' More info:

70+ EXPECTED AT FENG YUN TOURNEY: A solid field of nearly 70 players have already registered for tomorrow='92s Feng Yun 9P tournament in Piscataway, NJ, a 4-round AGA-rated event with a special Kid='92s Section. Check out who='92s coming at'5FGo='5FCenter/FYGT2005.htm  
       ='93We can now accept walk-in registration,='94 reports Feng Yun, ='93but we would appreciate pre-registration so we have enough equipment and tables.='94 Email or call Feng Yun at 973-992-5675; registration forms may be brought with you Saturday and are available (along with directions) at'5FGo='5FCenter/FYGT2005.htm
       Registration begins at 9A, the first round is scheduled for 9:45A and the Awards Ceremony is set for 7P.

GAME COMMENTARY: Internet World Open Go Championship
    Today='92s game commentary is hot off the board, having just been played Monday in the first round of the Nihon Kiin='92s 80th Anniversary Internet World Open Go Championship. Feng Yun 9P, the U.S. pro and regular E-Journal contributor, takes on the famous Cho Hunhyun 9P of Korea. The game was a lightning game with just 30 seconds per move and Feng Yun='92s detailed post-game analysis provides a wealth of variations and insightinto this top-level game. We hope you enjoy the game and look forward to continuing to provide up-to-date coverage of major events like this throughout the year.
    To view the attached .sgf file(s), simply save the file(s) to your computer and then open using an .sgf reader such as Many Faces of Go or SmartGo. Readers who need .sgf readers can get them for most platforms at Jan van der Steen's

GO REVIEW: Making Good Shape
By Rob van Zeijst and Richard Bozulich
Published by Kiseido
Reviewed by FrankBrown, 11k
    Everybody talks about shape but until now, there hasn't been a book focused specifically on the subject.  Ilearned to play go over ten years ago, but never took lessons from a professional and consequently picked up some bad habits.  I've been struggling to improve beyond the double-digit kyu level forever.  It's easy to recognize that a dense clump of eyeless stones is bad shape, but harder to explain the qualities which give stones good shape.  The first two chapters explain the principles of good shape and bad, and the third chapter(approximately two thirds of the book) consists of 245 illustrative problems. The fourth and final chapter provides sample games for study. Finickyreaders may find the typographic errors sprinkled throughout (including theauthor's misspelled name on the front cover) distracting, along with randomtranspositions of black and white in the text but the basic content is goodand the errors will undoubtedly be cleaned up in the next printing.

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Editor: Chris Garlock

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