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Chris Garlock | Published on 10/18/2004

FENG YUN TAPPED FOR NIHON KI-IN ONLINE TOURNEY: Eight top players, including Feng Yun of the U.S., have been tapped for the Nihon Ki-in=92s 80th Anniversary Internet World Open Go Championship, a fast online 3-round knockout tourney. Slated to compete for more than $40,000 in prizes are Hane Naoki 9P (Japan), Kobayashi Koichi 9P (Japan), Gu Li 7P (China), Lee Chang Ho 9P (Korea), Chou Chun Hsun 9P (Chinese Taipei), Feng Yun 9P (North America), Fernando Aguilar (South America), Alexandr Dinerchtein 1P (Europe). The firstround is planned for late October in venues worldwide, including the Nihon Ki-in Tokyo headquarters (Tokyo), Nihon Ki-in Central Japan headquarters (Nagoya), Chinese Weiqi Association (Beijing), Korea Baduk Association (Seoul),Taiwan Chi Yuan Culture Foundation (Taipei), Nihon Ki-in European Go Cultural Centre (Amsterdam), Nihon Ki-in New York Go Center (New York), Nihon Ki-in Do Brasil (Sao Paulo) or Buenos Aires. Players have 30 seconds per move,plus ten minutes’ thinking time to be used in one-minute units. The totalprize fund is over forty thousand dollars, with a first prize of nearly tenthousand dollars. The tournament is sponsored by Ajinomoto Corporation, Asagami Corporation and CSK Corporation, and is being organized by the Nihon Ki-in=92s in cooperation with the Chinese Weiqi Association, the Korea BadukAssociation, the Taiwan Chi Yuan Culture Foundation, the American Go Association, the European Go Federation and the Nihon Ki-in Do Brasil.

WAR GAMES: “As somebody said, ‘We‘re playing chess, they‘re playing Go,'” Investigative journalist Seymour Hersh said October 8 in Berkeley, California.Hersh was referring to the war in Iraq, where he says =93There is no ‘win’ anymore.=94 Syracuse go organizer Anton Ninno passed along this current goreference, adding =93If the chess/go analogy interests you, here are two resources that explore this topic: The Protracted Game: A Wei-Ch‘I Interpretation of Maoist Revolutionary Strategy, by Scott Boorman,
and Learning From the Stones: A Go Approach to Mastering China‘s Strategic Concept, by Dr.David Lee;
 more of Hersh=92s comments, go to

REVIEWERS WANTED: Earn a $25 go vendor gift certificate and get your name in print! We=92relooking for reviews of the following books: Dictionary of Basic Fuseki, vol. 1, Rin Kaiho (Yutopian); Step Up to a Higher Level, Abe Yoshiteru (Yutopian); The Second Book of Go, Richard Bozulich (Kiseido); Attack and Defense,Kato Masao (Kiseido, Elementary Go Series); Dictionary of Basic Tesuji, Fujisawa Shuko (Slate & Shell); Punishing and Correcting Joseki Mistakes, Mingjiu Jiang (Slate & Shell). Reviews should be no more than 150 wordslong; email them to us at


CHO CHIKUN WINS 67TH TITLE: Cho Chikun 9p has defeated Mimura Tomoyasu 9p to win the 2nd JAL Super HayaGo (Lightning) Championship. This is Cho‘s 67th title. You can download the game at
- reported by

YODA WINS WITH SURPRISING OPENING: Yoda Norimoto 9p played a very unusual opening in his second round game in the 52nd NKH Cup in Japan. Playing White against Cho Riyu 7p, Yoda‘s first two moves were on the 6-4 points. He ended up winning by resignation. You can play through the game at Yoda‘s opponent in the third round will be Ishida Yoshio 9p.

CHINEN TIES IT UP IN WOMEN‘S HONINBO: Chinen Kaori 3p came back to win the second game in her challenge against Kobayashi Izumi 5p for the Women‘s Honinbo title in Japan. AsKobayashi had done in their first game, Chinen won by resignation with White. You can download the game record at In previous games between these two, Kobayashi has won eleven times and Chinen ten. This is a best of five match, and the third game will be on October 27th.

KOREANS OFF TO BAD START IN NONG SHIM CUP: Two Koreans have been knocked out of the first stage of the Nong Shim Cup Ring Contest. The Nong Shim is a match between three five player teams from China, Japan, and Korea. Individual players continue taking on members of the other teams until defeated, and the team whose member defeats the last player from the other two teams wins. The contest is sponsored by a South Korean company, and the winning team receives 120 million South Korean Won (about $127,000 US. The contest began with Mimura Yomoyasu9p of Japan defeating Han Jongjin 5p of Korea, but then went down at the hands of  Zhou Heyang 9p of China. Zhou also won his next game over An Dalhun 6p of Korea, putting a second Korean out of the contest, but Zhou wasthen defeated by Takao Shinji 8p of Japan. The contest will resume in Korea in late November. Waiting on the Japanese team are Cho Chikun 9p, Kato Masao 9p, and O Meien 9p. The Chinese still have Ruo Xihe 9p, Wang Lei 8p,Peng Quan 5p, and Wang Xi 5p in the wings. Topping the remaining Korean team is Lee Changho 9p, along with Yoo Changhyuk 9p and Choi Cheolhan 8p. The games can be downloaded from

FOLLOWING SHUSAKU: An unusual tournament, called the Fuseki Follow-On, was held in Guildford, England, on October 17th. Participants had to complete one of Shusaku‘s games, starting from move 30 of the original game and playing twice as Black and twice as White. Twelve players took part and those winning three games got prizes. They were Jim Sadler (1dan Brighton), Brian Brunswick (1 dan Epsom), Ron Bell (4 kyu Reading), Peter Fisher (5 kyu Leicester), and Anna Griffiths (6 kyu Epsom).

GAME COMMENTARY: Sente, Speed and The Peep
        In a handicap game, =93White must hold onto two things: sente and speed,=94 counsels Liping Huang 4p in today=92s commentary on a two stone game between a 1 dan and a 1 kyu player played on the turn-based go server, Dragon Go Server.Huang lives and teaches go in the Chicago area.
 =93White has just invaded deeply=85How should Black connect against this peep=3F=94 That=92s our bonus problem today, which comes from Go Review, an English language magazine published by the Nihon Kiin from 1961 to 1977.
        To view the attached .sgf file(s), simply save the file(s) to your computer and then open using an .sgf reader such asMany Faces of Go or SmartGo. Readers who need .sgf readers can get themfor most platforms at Jan van der Steen‘s

BEGINNER=92S MIND: Off & Running
By Aria von Elbe
        It‘s official. The Pine Crest Go Club has a sponsor, a room, and members, 33 to be exact, and I couldn‘t be happier. It wastough going for a while, what with the Student Council not informing me of the Club Fair until I heard it third-hand in Spanish class the day before.I was at Kinkos until 9 that night copying flyers I had lying around from the Miami Go Club=92s  booth at a Japanese Festival last year. I even tried to get copies of the AGA Starter CDs made, but they wouldn‘t be ready until 3pm the next day and the Club Fair was at 11 that morning.
       Despite the lack of CDs to hand out at my technologically advanced school, the Go Club Booth was still ready and willing to accept members, though they=92d have push through the crowd at the nearby German Club table, the most flamboyant and interactive booth there. Oddly enough, that turned out to be a good thing, as one of the German Club members knew about go and wanted to learn how to play. She caught on pretty quick, and after a friend and fellow journalist showed up and wanted to learn too, before I knew it there were tons of people gathered around. My clubvice president arrived and put the Starter CD in my laptop and let the kidsplay around with it. She even delegated other members to pass out the pamphlets. I couldn‘t believe it: the Go Club was actually popular. 
       Then, out of nowhere, a senior shows up. Now, at my school, since the seniors are, well, seniors, they don‘t really join new clubs, they just take over in president or vice president position that the previous senior left to them. But this one was a transfer student, just moved to Florida from China, and he knew how to play, so we played a game in front of a whole crowd. Even more people started to show up, and I was put on the spot as onlookers wanted to know why I moved here, why didn‘t I capture there. They were learning, they were understanding, andI felt like I was going to die happy. I mean
really, Tsutsui-san has nothing on me.
       The next day was even better. The Go Club‘s first meeting went even better than I would have expected. We had 16 members show up and they weren‘t just there to steal cookies and soda, they were really interested in the game. That‘s enough for me.
-16-year-old Aria von Elbe is an 11th grader in FortLauderdale, Florida.

GO REVIEW: All About Thickness, Understanding Moyo and Influence
by Ishida Yoshio 9P, translated by Stuart Dowsey
Published byIshi Press, Inc.
194 pages, $10.00
Reviewed by Lawrence Ku, 11k
       Many beginners have this kind of horrible experience: stronger players give handicap stones and take territory, leaving the weaker player thickness which they then destroy. So when I was a low kyu player I was afraid to trade territory for thickness. But after I read All About Thickness, I started to understand how to use my thickness and now sometimes I like it even more than territory. Forty-five examples illustrate whole board situation and unlike most go books that use text, All About Thickness uses red arrows and text on the figures to point out where and why thickness works.  I like this book very much because with large diagrams and little text, you can finish it quickly and even if youdon‘t learn all the techniques or strategy, that makes you feel good.  Also, as one of few go books with a red cover, All About Thickness is outstanding on the bookshelf just because of its color. Although I think All About Thickness may now be out of print, my parents found it through‘s used book service for just $10. 


FOR SALE: 8.0mm Japanese glass go stones. Complete set, 21.5mm diameter. Pair of brown plastic bowls included. $30, plus shipping. Email Anton at:  (9/27)
FOR SALE: Quality go equipment including gobans/bowls/stones, ranging from entry level to elegant collectible items.   or email  (9/20)

- NEW! Cornel Burzo 6d is giving lessons on both IGS and KGS using voicechat for review every week day from 8A to 5P using skype (check for details email  (10/18)
- Joey‘s Go School: Free lessons every Thursday night from 8-9P (EST)  on KGS! Joey Hung AGA 8d teaches online and in the San Francisco Bay Area. Find out more about Joey‘s Go School At 510-659-8220, or  (10/4)
- Looking for a sensei to improve your Go skills=3F Yang, In Lin, 5-dan from Taiwan is available foronline lessons. email for cost details. (9/20)
- IGS 5dan offers one FREE LESSON for those thinking about getting a teacher. For more information contact for more details or to schedule the lesson. (8/30)

AK: Juneau, Alaska ; (8/23)
AL: Birmingham or Hoover: email I‘m about 5k; any level is welcome. (9/6)
AZ: Phoenix, AGA 5d looking for go players; (8/23)
FL: Tampa Bay; Looking for players within 30 minutes of Tampa Bayto help create a club which might be located near USF.  (9/27)
IL: Northern Illinois, Gurnee area. Any rank, age, or shoe size welcome. Looking for friendly or teaching games. Contact (15 kyu) Joe at (9/6)
NEW! MD: Baltimore, atthe Maryland Institute College of Art. 7P Mondays, at
Cafe Doris (Mount Royal Ave) (10/18)

Got go stuff to sell, swap or want to buy=3F Do it here and reach over 7,000 Go players worldwide every week at Go Classified! Listings are free and run 4 weeks; send to us at


October 23:  Atlanta, GA
GA GA GA GO Tournament
Ken Labach 770-442-0952

October 23:  Austin, TX
Austin Fall Go Tournament
Michael Heinich 512-505-0055

October 23:  Burlington, VT
Burlington Go Tournament
Quentin Dombro 802-651-0734

October 30:  Arlington, VA
Pumpkin Classic
Allan Abramson 703-684-7676

October 31:  Ottawa, CANADA
Embassy of Japan Friendship Tournament
Charles Chang

October 30 & 31:  Portland, OR
Portland Go Tournament Fall 2004
Glenn Peters 503-753-4919

November 4-7:  Lancaster, PA
Lancaster Yang Workshop
Chuck Robbins 717-892-7900 x 22

November 7:  Seattle, WA
Monthly Ratings Tournament
Jon Boley 206-545-1424

This is a digest of events for the next month only; for a complete listing see the Tournament Calendar on theAGA website:
 the European Go Calendar see

 LISTED & BOOST TURN OUT! Got an upcoming event=3FReach over 7,000 readers every week! List your Go event/news In the E Journal: email details to us at

Published by the American Go Association

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Editor: Chris Garlock

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