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Chris Garlock | Published on 10/4/2004

WU WINS 4TH SHOENFIELDMEMORIAL MARATHON: Changlong Wu 6d edged Sheng Feng 5d by 3 points in the final round to capture the $250 first prize in the Fourth Shoenfield MemorialGo Marathon September 25 in Durham, North Carolina. Thirty eight players participated in the Triangle Go Group‘s unique 5-round tournament distinguished by non-stop play and on-site cuisine, reports Charles Alden. =93The tournament was hosted by the Thai Tana Restaurant in Research Triangle Park, who also provided a delicious buffet luncheon at midday,=94 says Alden. =93Generous prizes were awarded in all six sections, thanks to a grant from theIng Foundation.=94 The Open section featured eight players rated 6 dan to3 dan; Aheng Feng won $150 for second place, and the third place prize of $100 went to veteran player Yoshiteru Suzuki. =93Mr. Suzuki, the tournament‘s oldest player, returned from Delaware for the tournament and showed astonishing stamina in turning around his final round game with skillful yose play,=94 notes Alden.
       For the second year in a row the A section (2D-2k) was won by Woojin Han, who took home $150 with a score of 4-1.  In the B section (3k-6k) first place wassplit by Glenn Williamson and Adam Bridges, who each won $60.
       In the C section (8k-11k) veteran John Greiner rolled through with a perfect 5-0 record and pocketed $100.  Similarly in the D section (12k-14k) newcomer Sergio  Parreiras was impressive in posting the third perfect score of the day and won $90. 
       And in the E section one of the stories of the day was the victory by 13-year-old Rob Lampe, the youngest player in the history of the tournament, who posted a score of 3-2 and won clear firstand $80.  =93Rob clearly understood the Ing scoring system, winning the decisive game in the section by one point by filling the final dame point in the position after his opponent had passed!=94

SF GO CLUB RE-DO & WIRELESS TOO: Re-decorated, re-painted, and wireless, too! The San Francisco Go Club showed off recent renovations at a September 18 celebration. The club has added a DSL network with two computers with wireless connections, and the club has been also been re-decorated and re-painted, reportsDanny Swarzman. And last Saturday, the club started an ongoing tournamenton the first Saturday of each month, a self-pairing tournament used to maintain a local rating system. The club is open daily; check out photos and more info at

FROM DICE TO GO GAMES SYMPOSIUM:In conjunction with their exhibition on Asian games, the Asia Society and Museum in New York City, NY is holding a symposium entitled =93From Dice To Go: Asian Games Through The Ages=94 on Saturday, October 16 from 10A-6P. Professional player Feng Yun 9P will give a lecture and demonstration on “Origins and Strategies of Go” with amateur player David Saunders. Other speakers and topics include Irving L. Finkel, The British Museum and cocurator of the exhibition Asian Games, speaking on “Asian Games in the Western Imagination;” Colin Mackenzie, Middlebury College and cocurator of Asian Games, speaking on “Liubo and Divination in China;” David Parlett, inventor/author, speaking on “Invention and Evolution: The Natural History of Games,” Ulrich Schaedler, Musee Suisse de Jeu/Swiss Museum of Games, speaking on “Medieval Games Between Gambling and Science;” Emma Levine, journalist, speaking on “A Game of Polo with a Headless Goat: In Search of the Ancient Games of Asia.” Tickets: $20 students; $30 members; $45 nonmembers. For a complete agenda and information contact the Asia Society Box Office: 212-517-ASIA or

FREE LESSONS WITH JOEY HUNG: Joey Hung 8d, 2003 Ing Cup winner and prot=E9g=E9 of top-ranked Jie Li, is now offering free lessons every Thursday night from 8-9P on KGS. =93I plan to offer game reviews, simul games, and problems,=94 Hung tells the EJ. =93I have about ten of my current students already attending, and everyone is welcome to join.=94Look for him in the “Lessons/Joey‘s Go School=94 room, where he=92ll be commenting through microphone and typing from his home in San Francisco. The EJ hopes to feature some of these game commentaries in future editions of the EJ.

MEMBERSHIP SEE-SAW: Membership in the American Go Association continued to see-saw, following August=92s uptick with a downswing in September. Full memberships were up in September, but limited memberships dropped significantly, contributing to an overall decline in membership to 1,967, still short of the elusive 2,000 mark. A new membership working groupformed by AGA President Mike Lash is looking into ways to increase membership; recommendations are expected soon.

NOVA DATE CORRECTION: The NoVa Pumpkin Classic is scheduled for Saturday, October 30 in Arlington, Virginia, not the 20th, as listed in last week=92s EJ. We regret the error.

POWER OF TEN: With two new Shodan Challengers this week, our band of intrepid go students is now ten members strong. Christopher Kiguchi 3k is our youngest Challenger to date, just 7 years old. Christopher hails from New Jersey, where he=92s a 2nd grader; he=92s been playing for four years and studies at the Feng Yun club twice a month. Eric Lavigne 8k, Challenger #10, is a nuclear engineering graduate student and a member of the University of Florida Go Club. The E-Journal has arranged for professional game analysis to help the Shodan Challengers improve their games, and you can see photos of some of the Challengers on the AGA=92s website at  Want to try to make Shodan by next year=92s US Go Congress in Tacoma, WA=3F Take the Shodan Challenge by emailing us at

THE HONINBO TO DEBUT AT 2005 CONGRESS: If all goes according to plan, next year=92s US Go Congress will feature a first: go opera! “The Honinbo” is a full-scale parody of Gilbert & Sullivan=92s “The Mikado”.  While many of the =93Honinbo=94 songs have been performed at Congress songfests through the years, there has never been an actual production of the entire libretto, a void that Chris Kirschner and =93a few intrepid souls=94 intend to fill next year. “I‘ve wanted to do this for a long time,=94 Kirscher says. =93PLU has a nice theater, a drama department with some draftable resources and it is right here in my back yard.  This is the year.”  Written in 1991 by the late Bob High, =93The Honinbo=94 begins with a rousing chorus of =93Gentlemen Who Play Go=94 and continues on from there.  The plan is for performers to practice at home during the year, and arrive a few days early to rehearse together just before the Congress. =93No casting has been done yet, so anyone with particular ambitions has a chance at their choice role,=94 Kirschner promises. =93There is a chorus, so all singers will be welcome.  There will be other work as well, for those who want to contribute.=94 Anyone interested can get in touch with Kirschner at Check out the Honinbo libretto at

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Published by the American Go Association
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Editor: Chris Garlock

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