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Chris Garlock | Published on 9/27/2004

7TH ING YOUTH GOE TOURNAMENT: The 7th ING's Cup Youth Goe Tournament for players under 18 isset for Sunday, October 3 at the Chinese Culture Center in Sunnyvale, CA.The top four winners from each section will be awarded with trophies and prizes and every player who completes all five games but does not place in thetop four from their section will receive a consolation prize. Sponsored by ING's Goe Foundation, organized by American ING Goe, American ProfessionalGo Association, and the American Go Association. Info and registration forms are available at   Or email Mingjiu Jiang at

GO FEATURED IN MAJOR EXHIBIT: Without games, people would be unendurably bored, says Colin Mackenzie. Yet the role of games in society has been largely neglected by cultural historians. Mackenzie curated an exhibition called Asian Games: The Art of Contest that opens in New York City next month. Games is the first major exhibition to explore Asia as a source of games including chess, Parcheesi, Ludo, Snakes and Ladders, playing cards, polo and, of course, go and other games. By exploring the evolution and social functions of games in Asia and their transfer to other regions, Asian Games illuminates important yet unfamiliar aspectsof Asian culture and their ongoing legacy, Mackenzie says. A highlightof the show is an exquisite early 18th century set with a highly decorated, lacquer board and agate pieces, from the Kozu Kobunka Kaikan Museum in Japan. The set is decorated with the crest of the Tokugawa family, the military rulers of the Edo period, and is thought to be part of the bridal trousseau of a member of the Tokugawa family. The exhibition will be on viewat Asia Society and Museum (725 Park Avenue, New York City, NY) from October 14, 2004 through January 16, 2005. A daylong symposium will be held on October 16: From Dice to Go: Asian Games Through the Ages will examine new research on the importance of games in historical and contemporary Asiansocieties and their global impact. For more info: 212-517-ASIA or visit   The exhibit moves to the Smithsonian in Washington, D.C. from February 26 through May 15, 2005 and the Middlebury College Museum of Art in fall 2005.

IF AT FIRST YOU DON=92T SUCCEED: I set out on the shodan journey last year, but didn't quite make it, writes Thomas W. Watson, who says he=92s ready to make another run and is joining the Shodan by the Congress Challenge. Watson, a 3-kyu, is Chief Information Technology Officer for Platinum One Financial and a member of the Grand Rapids (MI) Go Club. Thanks for keeping this going, it holds my feet to the fire. Watson makes a total of eight for the ShodanChallenge, including Aria von Elbe, Stephen Bazzone, Mark Penner, Josh Gum,Matt Luce, Adam Bloom and Jonathan Markowitz. Just two more and it=92ll be The Shodan Ten! Take the Shodan Challenge by emailing us at

NEW GO OPERATING SYSTEM: The expanding world of computer go now includes Hikarunix, the only operating system dedicated to go, according to creator Karl Sigler. Hikarunix is a live Linux CD dedicated to learning, playing and studying go, Sigler tells the E-Journal. Hikarunix features an interactive tutorial for beginners, while more advanced players can record and organize their SGF games for study and comment. With Hikarunix you can study from an included library of nearly 7000 historical and professional games, 500 of which are reviewed and commented. You can practice Joseki with =91Guess the next move=92 programs, try to solve nearly 5000 go problems ranging from easy to dan level, and play online with thousands of go players, or start your own go server to play private games, says Sigler. Hikarunix is available free at Note: the EJ is interested in user reviews of Hikarunix; send them to us

US HS TEAM PLAYOFFS UNDERWAY: Playoffs are nowunder way in the 2004 National High School Team Championships, and Thereare only eight teams left standing in the quest to be crowned the nation's greatest go team! reports organizer Christopher Vu. Root for your favorites among the finalists, including Riverview, Monta Vista, NY Metro D, Clear Lake A, Clear Lake B, Highland Park, Lincoln Middle OR Plano Senior A. More info at


CHOEVENS SCORE IN MEIJIN: Cho U Honinbo won by 3.5 points in the second gameof the 29th Meijin title match, held September 22 & 23 in Fukuoka City,leveling the match at 1-1. This was a very difficult game, and the professionals following it in the pressroom had trouble identifying the losing move. In general, Cho had gone for territory and Yoda had staked the game on the centre. He followed a bold sacrifice strategy at one stage and later executed another bold strategy. Awaji 9-dan commented on TV that this loss would probably not bother Yoda, as he played experimentally, but that he would be in earnest from the third game on. Game 3 is scheduled to be played in Nagoya on September 29 and 30. The Meijin tournament is sponsored by the Asahi Shinbun newspaper. The title holder is challenged each Autumn by achallenger who is the winner of a nine-man all-play-all league. Each gameof the final is played in a different city. In 1965, Rin Kaiho won the title by defeating Sakata Eio and became the youngest Meijin. The eldest Meijin is Takagawa Shukaku, he won in 1968 at the age of 53. Rin Kaiho and Kobayashi Koichi all won the Meijin eight times, and Kobayashi Koichi achievedseven consecutive titles; he and Cho Chikun are the only two players named Honorary Meijin. In 1999, Cho Chikun won his ninth Meijin, breaking Kobayashi Koichi's record. Top prize is 37 million Yen (about $350,000US).
- Reported by John Power on the home page of the Nihon Ki-in; includesreporting by

GU LI TO CHALLENGE IN CHINESE MEIJIN: In his second straight win, Gu Li 7p defeated Nie Weiping 9p by resignation in Game 2 of the best-of-3 Chinese Mingren challenger finals, thus winning the right to challenge current title holder Qiu Jun 6p in the best-of-5 final of the 17th Chinese Mingren Title (also known as Chinese Meijin). This challenge also gives Gu, currently ranked #2 in the most recent Chinese official rating list, the opportunity to achieve a grand slam in the Chinese professional arena. The Mingren is sponsored by Chinese Weiqi Association and Chinese People's Daily and is one of the longest-running and biggest events in Chinese go world. Sixty-four players compete for 16 slots in the preliminary rounds; these 16 then join 16 seeds in the main challenger event. Beginning in 1989, Ma Xiaochun won an impressive thirteen consecutive titles in the Chinese Mingren. Check out the games at
- reported in

LEE, PARK, YAMASHITA & O ADVANCE IN ZHONGHUAN CUP: After the first two rounds of the 1st Zhonghuan Cup, held on September 16 and 18, Lee Changho 9p, Park YuongHoon 9p, Yamashita Keigo 9p and O Rissei 9p advanced to the semifinals, which are scheduled to take place in December. Check out the games at
- reported in

NONGSHIM CUP FIELD SET: The 6th Nongshim Cup will start on October 12th in Beijing. The final roster of players has determined: Lee Changho, Yoo Changhyuk, Choi Cheolhan, An Dalhun, Han Chongjin (representing Korea); Cho Chikun, Kato Masao, O Meien, Mimura Tomoyasu, Takao Shinji (representing Japan); Zhou Heyang, Luo Xihe, Wang Lei, Peng Quan and Wang Xi (representing China). Games at
- reported by

RIX BEST IN MILTON KEYNES: Alex Rix 4d went undefeated to top the 16th Milton Keynes Tournament in Great Britain. Forty-eight players attended the Open University for the event; also winning all their games were Matthew Reid (1k Cambridge), Greg Pallis (8k Oxford) and Stuart Patterson (16k Leamington). The Team Prize was jointly won by the Oxford and Leamington teams and the Milton Keynes Go Board event was won by William Brooks with Jonathan Englefield taking second.
- British Go E-News
YOUR MOVE: Readers Write

PRESIDENTIAL REDUX: I guessI missed something somewhere, because I see that the AGA has a new President, writes Milt Bradley. Perhaps the E-Journal would be kind enough to publish a brief bio.
- The EJ covered the appointment of Mike Lash as President of the American Go Association in our July 19 edition. Asreported then, Lash has served on the AGA=92s Governance Committee for the last several years, and was tapped as Foreign Go Association liaison late last year and then VP of Strategic Initiatives earlier this year. Lash has been playing go since 1976, when he learned at Miami University of Ohio. Helived overseas for 10 years and taught and played go in Australia, Samoa, Papua, New Guinea and other countries. Lash=92s day job involves handling real-estate transactions around the world for the U.S. State Department.In an interview with the EJ last week, Lash reported that several major newinitiatives are now in the works, including an effort to create national team league play, spearheaded by Bill Saltman, and standardized tournament director training. These are both part of an overall outreach program to energize chapters, Lash told the EJ. Our chapters are an underutilized and extremely valuable asset, (chapter reps) are our best ambassadors for the game.

GAME COMMENTARY: Shodan Challenge Series Begins
       Today=92s game commentary is the first in a series that will follow the growing Shodan Challenge Gang, a group of players who have publicly taken on the challenge of making shodan by the 2005 Congress. The E-Journal has arranged for professional analysis to help the Shodan Challengers improve their games and in today=92s game Yilun Yang 7p takes a thorough, almost move-by-movelook at a game between Shodan Challenger Josh Gum, an AGA 14 kyu from Oregon, playing Black in a game on KGS, where he is rated at 11 kyu. His opponent is a KGS 10 kyu. In a nice addition, we=92ve included Josh=92s questions and comments, as well as Mr. Yang=92s responses. Want to get in on theaction? You can take the Shodan Challenge by emailing us at
       Today=92s bonus file is the latest lesson by Kaz Furuyama, who this week takes a look at a clever squeeze tesuji.
       To view the attached .sgf file(s), simply save the file(s) to your computer and then open using an.sgf reader such as Many Faces of Go or SmartGo. Readers who need .sgf readers can get them for most platforms at Jan van der Steen's

GO REVIEW: Hikaru no Go, Vol. 1 (English translation)
reviewed by Mark Engelberg
       Hikaru no Go is a Japanese graphic novel spanning almost 200 chapters, split into 23 volumes. The official English translation of the first volume is now available. The plot revolves around a boy named Hikaru who is exposed to the game of go when he meetsup with Sai, the ghost of an extraordinary go player from centuries past whom only Hikaru can see or hear. Despite having no previous go experience, Hikaru makes quite a splash when, playing the moves Sai suggests, he managesto beat a professional level player. In later volumes, Hikaru's fascination with the game grows. He decides that he wants to win games on his own, without Sai's advice, and his quest to join the ranks of the professionals begins.
       The most extraordinary thing about Hikaru no Go has been its power to inspire young children=92s interest in go. The depth of the game and the strength and commitment of professional players are brought to life through compelling characters that the child in all of us can relate to. The book would make a fine gift for your favorite budding go player of any age.
       Hikaru no Go can be purchased from Amazon:


FOR SALE: 8mm Japanese glass go stones.Complete set of 181 black and 180 white stones. Diameter is 21.5mm. Pair of high-quality, Japanese plastic bowls included. Current pricing soldnew is $57-60 and $15-20, respectively. Selling for $50 plus shipping. Contact Anton at:  (9/27)
FOR SALE: Qualitygo equipment including gobans/bowls/stones, ranging from entry level to elegant collectible items.   or email  (9/20)
FOR SALE: 7mm moon grade slate andshell go stones in original Japanese maker=92s box. Free plastic gosu included. For more information, including pictures, contact Dave at  (9/13)

-  Cornel Burzo 6d Europe is accepting new students online on IGS or KGS, for details check or email to (9/20)
- Looking for a sensei to improve your Go skills? Yang, In Lin, 5-dan from Taiwan is available for online lessons. email for cost details. (9/20)
- IGS 5dan offers one FREE LESSON for those thinking about getting a teacher. For more information contact for more details or to schedule the lesson. (8/30)
- Joey's Go School: Joey Hung AGA 8d is teaching at San Francisco Bay Area. Find out more about Joey's Go School At 510-659-8220, or  (8/23)

AK: Juneau, Alaska ; (8/23)
AL: Birminghamor Hoover: email I'm about 5k; any level is welcome. (9/6)
AZ: Phoenix, AGA 5d looking for go players; (8/23)
FL: Tampa Bay; Looking for players within 30 minutes of Tampa Bay to help create a club which 
might be located near  (9/27)
FL: Jacksonville;  (6/14)
FL: Jacksonville; regular, live game sessions.  Contact  (5/31)
GA: Augusta; for playing and possible chapter; email Wesley Stewart at  (5/31)
IL: Northern Illinois, Gurnee area. Any rank,age, or shoe size welcome. Looking for friendly or teaching games. Contact (15 kyu) Joe at (9/6)
IL: Downers Grove; 23k willing to play with anyone who wants a friendly game or will teach thosein the area who want to learn. e-mail Kevin Steinbach at  (5/31)
KS: Looking for players in Kansas (especially the Wichita area); contact Ted Dover at (6/28)
MA: North Shore (Hamilton); for playing and possible chapter.  Email
NY: Go players wanted at or near SUNY Purchase in Purchase NY:
NY: Go players in New YorkCity.  The "Village Go Club" meets in Manhattan on Wednesday nights.  Our club is largely beginning players, but all levels are welcome.
TX: Richardson; go club meets at InfiniTea, located onthe SW intersection of Coit and Cambell, Wednesdays from 7P until midnight.If you have boards of your own, please bring them; any rank welcome. JeffHeckman,

Got go stuff to sell, swap or wantto buy? Do it here and reach over 7,000 Go players worldwide every week at Go Classified! Listings are free and run 4 weeks; send to us at


October 3:  Hoboken, NJ
Hoboken Fall Tournament
Larry Russ 201-216-5379 

October 3:  Seattle, WA
Monthly Ratings Tournament
Jon Boley 206-545-1424

October 8-11:  Round Top, NY
Columbus Day 2004 Guo Juan Workshop
Jean-Claude Chetrit 718-638-2266

October 10:  Somerville, MA
MGA Fall Handicap Tournament
Zack Grossbart 617-497-1232

October 16:  Houston, TX
Autumn Tournament
Christopher Vu 281-480-8615

October 20:  Arlington, VA
Pumpkin Classic
Allan Abramson 703-684-7676

October 23:  Atlanta, GA
GA GA GA GO Tournament
Ken Labach 770-442-0952

October 23: Austin, TX
Austin Fall Go Tournament
Michael Heinich

October 30 & 31:  Portland, OR
Portland Go Tournament Fall 2004
Glenn Peters 503-753-4919

This is a digest of events for the next month only; for a complete listing see the Tournament Calendar on theAGA website:

For the European Go Calendar see

GET LISTED & BOOST TURN OUT! Got an upcoming event? Reach over 7,000 readers every week! List your Go event/news In the E Journal: email details to us at

Published by the American Go Association

Text material published in theAMERICAN GO E JOURNAL may be reproduced by any recipient: please credit theAGEJ as the source. PLEASE NOTE that commented game record files MAY NOT BE published, re-distributed, or made available on the web without the explicit written permission of the Editor of the E-Journal. Please direct inquiries to

Articles appearing in the E-Journal represent the opinions of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official views of the American Go Association.

To make name or address corrections, notify us at the email address below. Story suggestions, event announcements, Letters to the Editor and other material are welcome, subject to editing for clarity and space, and should be directed to:
Editor: Chris Garlock

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