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CA tourneys span from U16 to Over-65

Chris Garlock | Published on 10/29/2023

San Diego recently hosted three tournaments ranging from Under-16 for both girls and boys, as well as an Over-65 competition.

Seven senior citizens contested the 2023 California Over-65 Go Championship on Sunday, October 22 in San Diego. “The seven represented several hundreds of years of combined go experience although at least one had been off the tournament circuit for twenty-years,” reports the San Diego Go Club’s Ted Terpstra. Les Lanphear III 2k won the title by going undefeated in the three-round AGA tournament. David Matson 2-kyu and Karl Keating 1-kyu took second and third place respectively.


In other recent go tournaments hosted by the San Diego Go Club, 2023 California State Go Champions were crowned for both the Under-16 Girls and the Under-16 Boys.


The U16 Girls place finishers: 1st: Zoe Tan 5k; 2nd: Angel Shunying Zhou 2k; 3rd: Abigail Wanyu Chen 2k.


The U16 Boys place finishers: 1st: Jake Kim 3d; 2nd: Andy Zhou 1d; 3rd: Skye Chen 6k. Both of these competitions were 3-round handicapped using Fisher Time.


2023 California State Go Championship: Coming up November 25 & 26, the San Diego Go Club will host the 5-round 2023 California State Go Championship at the San Diego Chess Club. This will be the sixth annual state championship. Past winners include Calvin Sun and Kevin Yang. Last year, more than 80-players competed in several different sections for a total prize pool of over $2,000. The 2022 Open section had 16-players of which seven were 6-dans and three were 7-dans. If the Open turnout this year is similar, this tournament will be one of few to qualify to award points in the new AGA Point System to determine amateur American go players to be invited to play abroad. Registration and full information for the 6th Annual California Go Championship is now open; click here for details

photos: top left: Over-65 Go Championship participants; top right: U16 Girls 3rd, 2nd, 1st with SDGC president Enrique Garcia; bottom: 3: U16 Boys 3rd, 2nd, 1st with SDGC president Enrique Garcia

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