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Michael Chen Wins 2nd Go New England Open 2023

Trevor Morris | Published on 9/24/2023

Left to right: Michael Chen (1p), Alexander Qi (1p), Trevor (TD), Alan Huang (7d), Lambert Lee (7d)

The 2nd Go New England Open took place over Labor Day weekend, Saturday Sept 2 through Sunday Sept 3, 2023.

This event was supported by the new AGA "catchment" area initiative, and all 6 New England states are pooling our catchment funds to provide this special 2-day tournament.  As with last year, we had representatives from 5 of the 6 states; we're still hunting for active NH Go players!

The Tournament Director (TD) was Trevor Morris

First place went to Michael Chen on the barest of tie breaks.
The prize money for the first 4 places was split evenly between all open section players with a 4-1 record, pictured here.

The only player in this year's tournament with a 5-0 record was Andrew Perry (20k), earning special mention.

All our 4-games winners deserve special mention, receiving top prize for their sections. 


Huge thanks to our sponsors! We couldn't've had such a successful tournament without them, and their ongoing contribution to the Go community. 

In-seong's Yunguseng Dojang
Chris Sagner
Shawn's Go Group
Guo Juan's Internet Go School

The number of people to thank for help throughout the tournament is too large to go into in detail.

Please see the full write-up here for more details:

Special call out to Terry Benson for Crazy Go.

Special call out to Jae Donly for off-site streaming support, motivation, and coordination.  Without him, the popular streaming of the top boards would not have happened

Thanks to my partner Martha Marteney (25k) for logistical support.

Everyone else, in no particular order: Chris Sagner, Lingyu Liu, Eva Casey, Cheuk, Jamie Tang, and Gavin, Kara Ray, Devin Fraze, Baduk Club, Jamie Tang, Katie Oh, Amy Guo, Tyler Oyakawa, Michael Zhou, Cassidy Cloutier, Ryan Horner, Chris Morse, Chia Chan.  My sincerest apologies for those that I omitted.

Andrew Perry (20K), Trevor Morris
Left to right: Jonathan Green (2k), Trevor (TD), Jerry Young (1k), David Yang (4k), Amanda Miller (8k)


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