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AGHS Unveils 2023-24 Officer Team

Published on 9/22/2023

The American Go Honor Society (AGHS) is thrilled to introduce its new officer team for the 2023-2024 year. The AGHS is excited to embark on ambitious projects to promote Go among American youth, like live-streaming tournaments with BadukClub. 

“The AGHS looks forward to launching projects that facilitate interaction between Go enthusiasts across the nation,” said President Jamie Tang. “Along with Vice Presidents Liya Luk and Kevin Yang, I am already impressed by the good work of AGHS officers.”

Meet Our Team

  • Grace Chen - Tournament Director

  • Xiayang Huang - Secretary

  • Jake Kim - Tournament Director

  • Regina Kim - Treasurer

  • Liya Luk - Vice-President

  • Jamie Tang - President

  • Victoria Xie - Website Manager

  • Kylie Xu - Design Manager

  • Kevin Yang - Vice-President

  • Tony Yang - Tournament Director

  • Julia Zhang - Media Marketing Manager 

  • Steve Zhang - Head Tournament Director

See the original press release at and full biographies at

About AGHS

The American Go Honor Society (AGHS) strives to provide a supportive environment to develop Go skills, confidence, and self-growth regardless of age, gender, or location. We strive to empower a new generation of American Go players to stand alongside powerhouses of Asian nations in Go. Learn more at

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