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Jeremy Chiu 7D and Brady Zhang 6D shine at KPMC

Chris Garlock | Published on 9/2/2023
Both North American entrants – Jeremy Chiu 7D from the U.S. and Brady Zhang 7dD from Canada -- were among the top 10 award winners at the just-concluded Korea Prime Minister’s Cup (KPMC), each with a 5-2 record.

The Korea Prime Minister’s Cup featured 56 players from around the world; the theme this year was uniting people of the earth through Baduk/Go. 

Chiu is on a ‘gap year’ between college and starting a job at a financial firm in Philadelphia next year and lost only to the first- and third-place finishers China and Taiwan. “It was a great experience” he reports, “meeting players from all over and sharing the common language of Go.”
- Gurujeet Khalsa

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