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Go Calendar: Upcoming tournaments

Chris Garlock | Published on 8/26/2023
Sept 2-3: Go New England Open 2023
Westford Regency Inn & Conference Center, 219 Littleton Road, Westford, MA  01886
The Second New England Open will be taking place over Labor Day weekend, Saturday Sept 2 through Sunday Sept 3, 2023. This event is supported by the new AGA "catchment" area initiative, and all 6 New England states are pooling our catchment funds to provide this special 2-day tournament. Location: Westford Regency Inn & Conference Center 219 Littleton Road Westford, MA Hotel booking: If you are staying at the Westford, mention "Go New England Open" for a special $159 rate. Only valid through Aug. 1 - act fast! 
Registration Fee: $50. (Paypal or Venmo: DDK (Double Digit Kyu) Registration Fee: $30 Advance registration required. Registration closed on August 31. 

Sept. 16: 2023 Atlanta Fall Tournament
Bridge Club of Atlanta, 4920 Roswell Rd #33, Atlanta, GA  30342
Register here: 2023 Atlanta Fall Tournament is hosted by the Atlanta Go Club. Games will be played at a minus-one handicap. All games will be AGA rated. There will be three rounds with 30-minutes per player plus byo-yomi. Entry fee is $20. All players must have AGA membership. Check-in closes at 11:30am, if you miss check-in you will not play the 1st round!

Sept 17: 2023 San Diego End-of-Summer Go Tournament
San Diego Chess Club in Balboa Park, 2225 6th Ave, San Diego, CA  92101
Registration and all information at 2023 San Diego End-of-Summer Go Tournament is hosted by the San Diego Go Club. This tournament has Open and Handicap sections. All games will be AGA rated. This is a fun tournament with no titles, no prizes, and np trophies. Just go. There will be three rounds with 45-minutes per player plus byo-yomi. Players must register on by 11:59 pm Friday, 9/15 to play in first round. On-site registration for rounds 2-3 allowed. Entry fee is $10 for (to pay for lunch pizza). All players must have AGA membership. Tournament director: Ted Terpstra
photo: San Diego tourney winners, June 2023

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