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U.S. Go Congress Updates: 4 days to go!

Chris Garlock | Published on 7/4/2023

A round-up of FAQ and useful info for those attending the upcoming U.S. Go Congress, starting this Saturday in Kent, OH. Questions/comments: email us at

Kick-Off: The Congress Opening Ceremony will be on Saturday at 7:30pm.

Pair Go: Sign up for thePair Go tournament on Thursday evening (7/13) using this form. Teams are made up of one male and one female player (Exceptions are usually made, however.)  If you don’t have a partner, one will be assigned to you.  Signup deadline is Wed. (7/12) at 10pm.

World Pair Go: If you are a strong player and would like to play in the qualifier for the World Pair Go tournament in Tokyo, sign up before Monday (7/10) at 10pm.  The first round of the qualifier takes place on Tuesday (7/11) at 7:10 pm.  Players must hold U.S. citizenship to be eligible.

Song & Poetry Contest:
The annual Song & Poetry Contest will be held during the Closing Ceremony on Sat. (7/15).  Entries can be submitted here (must be logged in to your AGA account) on onsite

Congress swag: This year’s print-on-demand 
custom swag shop is proving popular. You will also have the chance to buy extras of any regular swag that is left over in the Vendors Room.

Day Off:
For those not playing in the U.S. Go Congress Die Hard Tournament on Wednesday, July 12, Day Off activities include a trip to nearby Cleveland where you can visit the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame, museum,  zoo, and restaurants; details/sign-up here.

Banquet survey: If you haven’t already taken the Congress Banquet Survey, please do so as soon as possible. Note that the caterer pulled the Pork Medallions choice; if you had selected that please retake the survey.

Dorm alert:
For those staying in the dorms, “we'll be supplying 2 hangars and a drinking cup; folks might want to bring 1-2 hand towels.

Transportation: Transportation services between the airports and Kent are limited, so please make sure you plan your transportation ahead of time, including signing up for airport shuttles; click here for details.
Driving to Kent, OH:
Coming from northwest: Try to avoid I-480 due to construction; use I-80, the Ohio Turnpike, it is worth the small toll.
Coming from northeast: You may face speed enforcements on I-271 from Willoughby Hills through Mayfield, sporadic after that.
For daily commuters to campus, you can park in the Student Center visitor lot, but do not park in the 1st two rows closest to the lot entrance.

Got Congress questions? Email

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