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Last Post from Tokyo: 44th World Amateur Go Champ.
By Zhiyuan Zhang
Posted: 2024-05-28T00:26:00Z

To me of the WAGC "mission" includes: competing in the 44th edition, being a friendly rep. to friends from the world, and culture exchange.

I went 4-0 vs top European amateurs, despite finishing 4-4. Daniel of Canada achieved 5W-3L, congratulations to him!

For the culture exchange, I picked some clothes with culture reference: Washington DC's cherry blossom (thanks for the cherry trees from Japan), New York Yankees (baseball is No.1 sport in Japan), cowboy (spirits of pioneering and independence) and etc.

All 17 but one Brilliant Move journal books were gifted to world leaders and players. Used up all 40+ "Go-player" business cards I brought to JP.

I had a brief chat with Tsuruyama 8P (鶴山淳志). His English is very good and he told me he'll have a teaching tour in Los Angeles during 6/20--6/24. California players, lucky you to join Tsuruyama 8P's events!

Daniel and I with the Nihon Ki-in Executive Director Morito Oobuchi (大渊盛人).

At the banquet, Nihon Ki-in leader and EGF president Martin made great speech on the stage, and then invited world representatives to talk. Daniel and I stepped on the stage. He sent a warm message on behalf of the 2025 WAGC hosting country.

I concurred with one of the original purposes of WAGC back in 1979 -- world peace. I shared that we recently hosted a Tournament of Peace in Virginia, and reminded world reps and officers: "Despite conflicts among regions, we can compete fairly and develop together-- just like in Go, we compete yet we get better together." I wrapped up my message with calling on "World Peace!"

With Andy, former AGA president, currently IGF officer.

AGA's Gurujeet talks at the closing ceremony about next year's WAGC-- Vancouver, Canada in May 2025

Daniel and I received 6-dan certificates, not printed, but written in calligraphy style, and personally endorsed by three pros who are the current title holders of top 5 Japanese championships. (Middle) Teenager Pongsakarn Sornarra from Thailand won 4th-place, a record for his country.

Lukas Podpera 7D. Wish his dream come true in the next EGF Pro Qualification.

Many thanks to Pros Ms. Liu and Ms. Shuai for hosting reps from US, China and C. Taipei.

Top 3: China, Korea, Japan

Michael Redmond 9P at the closing ceremony

The day after the 4-day WAGC, the same 2nd-floor venue was used for a Thursday tournament: a glimpse of how efficient Nihon Ki-in is. Staff told me tournament is free once in a while.

Japanese Pros who had a rank change since May 2022.

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