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New Projects and the Presidency
New Projects and the Presidency
By Trevor Morris
Posted: 2023-11-24T17:35:40Z

I’m excited to begin this blog, as I come up on my 3 month anniversary as both a board member and chairman of the board. This post has not been approved by the board, and the ideas expressed are mine alone.

In my position statement for election, I wrote “Transparency and communication are paramount to any organization.” In this vein of transparency and communication, this is my first missive to the membership at large.

I am actively soliciting your ideas on how we can not only improve the AGA, but make the entire Go community even more vibrant than it is today. I was encouraged to make this request by a chapter leader, who wrote, “Usually volunteers are most passionate about making their own ideas happen, aren't they?”

Effective projects often hinge on dedicated individuals, and in partnership with AGA President, Gurujeet Khalsa, we’re refining our volunteer coordination strategy. Stay tuned for a deep dive into this topic in a future post. If you’re eager to contribute time to our beloved all-volunteer organization, your enthusiasm is welcome—reach out to me!

One of the most important acts that the board makes is appointing a president. This happens every 2 years, and Gurujeet is already well into his second year. Per the by-laws, the board should make the new appointment by June 1, 2024, with the term starting on September 1, 2024. By official board policy, the process starts on December 15, 2023. The duties of the president are spelled out clearly in the by-laws, which any member can find in the “Governance and Policy” folder of the Documents section of the website.

Gurujeet has stated his willingness to be re-appointed. Thus, while I am not actively soliciting candidates for the presidency, if you envision leading the AGA in 2024, please contact me or another board member by December 14, 2023. And, of course, if you’re interested in being president at some point in the future, I’d love to hear from you any time.

I appreciate all of the hard work that Gurujeet has been doing in his short time so far, and I look forward to seeing what the AGA will accomplish under his leadership in the years to come.

You can reach me here:

This post has not been approved by the board, and the ideas expressed are mine alone.

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