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HomeEventsCongress Housing & Meals 2023

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Congress Housing & Meals 2023

About this event

contact registrar for more information

Sign Up for Housing, Meals, and Parking

(If you came to this page from the Event Calendar,
please back up and read all the information on the 
Congress Home page first.)

Please do not pay for any of these options until you receive an email stating:

"Your Housing Request is Approved"

Two-Step Process

Step 1 – In Step 1, you should have registered for the Congress itself.  If not, please Register now and pay the registration fee.

Step 2 - (This step) Sign up for housing and meals HERE!  Once done, wait until you receive an email confirming that your selections have been accepted before paying.  Payment can be made anytime before the congress.

Prior to Signing Up

1) You, or the person who registered their group, in Step 1 should also perform Step 2.  That person should login to their AGA account by clicking the "Sign In" button at the top right of the page.

2)  Please only sign up for one Housing choice per registrant (this advice does not apply to Linens and extra days of Housing).  Also, please sign up for only one meal plan and only one banquet option per registrant.  

3)  After clicking "Complete Registration", a dialog will appear saying that you must pay.  Just ignore this and click "Pay Later" (see directly below).  

4) We need to check your housing and meal selections manually for consistency as our software does not do this automatically.  Once done, you'll receive an email confirmation stating that you can pay your balance.  (This will usually be several days after you sign up.  You will receive an email immediately confirming that we received your selections.  This is NOT the consistency check.)


5)  You may wish to view  support pages like FAQ or Housing before signing up.

Important Tips

1) This website does not react well to the back button on your browser.  Please use the BLUE navigation buttons at the bottom (and sometimes at the top) of each page once you start registration.  If you hit the back button on your browser you will likely lose some of your entries.

2) When you are signing up multiple people, your "guest" members must be specified with the member picker (small red Select), and your "guest" non-members are specified in a form with name, address, and email.

3) The system does not allow you to edit your selections like our old site. Once you submit your housing request, you must ask the our registration staff to make changes. If you want to make a change, just email the congress registrar.

--->  When you're ready, click the Sign Up for Housing button in the upper right corner.

Date and Time

Saturday, July 08, 2023, 8:00 AM until Sunday, July 16, 2023, 5:00 PM


Kent State University
Student Center
(Registration on second floor)
Kent State Website
1075 Risman Drive
Kent, OH  44242


Steven A Zilber
Congress Co-director

Jonathan E Green

Garrett Smith
Website Coordination


US Go Congress

Registration Info

No activities available for registration
Payment By Schedule Only
Cancellation Policy:
Cancelling will create a credit on your AGA account. If you paid by credit card, we will push your credit back onto your credit card in a week or so. If you used PayPal, then we will have to mail you a check and that will take longer.

Payment Schedule

Initial Payment: US$ 0.00
Activities/Items (Click the down-arrow to view details)

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