“Let me start by saying I'm 72,” writes Pete Suchon. “I live in a retirement community, and I have
played Go since the 1970's but never seriously. I read All The Ways to Go after seeing it mentioned in the newsletter (Young Reviewers Sought – “All the Ways to Go” 12/21). I went in knowing that I am not the target audience for this book but I found reading it enjoyable. The main thing I got out of reading the book is how to introduce the game to people who don't know anything about it. I lead several games here, including Mahjong and Rummikub, so I am using Milo and Roxie's method of teaching Go to the Little Explorers as a road map to teaching Go to a bunch of seniors. Hopefully I can generate some interest in the game.”
NOTE: All The Ways to Go author Jessie Janowitz will give a talk this Wednesday night at the National Go Center in Washington, DC. Jessie will be signing books and the NGC has donated copies to be given to youth attendees. Pizza will be served. Register here for this free event.