Go Quiz: No Cosmic Challenge
Chris Garlock | Published on 11/24/2008
I'm glad so many of you appreciated the irony of Takemiya "Cosmic Go" Masaki being unable to challenge for the Tengen (center point) title. Peter Schumer provides the details -"Takemiya has held the Meijin, Honinbo and Judan titles. In addition he has challenged for the Kisei as well as the Oza and Gosei. But he's never made the finals of the Tengen title". Congrats to Boris Bernadsky, this week's winner, selected at random from those answering correctly. THIS WEEK'S QUIZ: "I like (last week's) question," writes Kim Salamony, "but I think I will need some harder ones if I am going to catch (Quiz leader) Phil Waldron." In honor of the ongoing debate over the Big 3 Bailout, maybe this automotive question will shake up the Quiz leaders as well - although the answer is not necessarily limited to an American-made car. There is (or was) one model or brand name of car that is a perfect anagram for one of the names for the game we all love. I will give you a hint - it is not "Go", but one of the other Asian inspired equivalents. What car name am I looking for? Click here for your best guess. - Keith Arnold