Texas High School Club Thriving
Chris Garlock | Published on 11/17/2008
"In the first meeting alone we matched the record attendance of last year," reports 16-year-old Kris Taylor, President of the Jasper High School Go Club in Plano, Texas. "We had about 30 people for our first meeting, which was just elections and rules and stuff. I had to leave early so when I did, a sophomore member from last year took over and began to teach the beginners some basics. Even the teacher started learning this year!" Taylor launched his high school go club last year with AGF support, and his school fielded two teams in last year's Ing School Teams Championship. Already an active organizer in the 10th grade, Taylor has a website for his club, and has made a series of Go videos on Youtube, including one on how to care for Yunzi go stones. The club meets after school in social studies teacher Jeff Koch's room. Koch, a non-player until this semester, told the Journal: "I've been most impressed by the more-experienced club members' drive to promote the game to new players; teaching them not only a fun game, but forcing them to stretch analytical skills that they might not otherwise use in their daily lives." -Paul Barchilon, Youth Editor. Photo: Jasper High School Go Club: President Kris Taylor (at far left holding board); Vice President Michael Wu (far right with board); Photo by Jeff Koch