Go Quiz: ChicaGO
Chris Garlock | Published on 11/10/2008
"Finally, a question even an idiot like me can respond to," was the comment from an anonymous Quiz respondent. Indeed, 23 out of 23 of you knew Chicago was the US Go Congress host city that contains the word has "go" - in consecutive order -- in it, though Peter Schumer pointed out the site was technically Chicago suburb Oak Park.
Steve Fawthrop and Reinhold Burger both noted that "OreGOn" which has hosted two Congresses would qualify as a state. Congrats to Patrick Rogers, this week's winner, chosen at random from those (everyone!) answering correctly. THIS WEEK'S QUIZ: Fair warning: this is a tough one. Shonen Jump's 2004 English edition of Hikaru no Go, Volume One and The Middle Game of Go (Ishi Press 2007) have nearly identical examples of an interesting cultural phenomenon. What is it? Pretty vague, and no multiple choice - but trust me, you will know it when, er, IF, you get it. Click here to submit your explanation. - Keith Arnold