16-year-old Toby Chen wins Triangle Go Group December tourney
Chris Garlock | Published on 12/17/2024
Sixteen-year-old Toby Chen – “a frequent winner with a bright future” -- won the Triangle Go
Group’s December tournament on December 14, topping a field of 25 players. Competitors ranged from pre-teen to post-retirement, including first year players and veterans of 50+ years. The location was the South Regional Library in Durham, North Carolina, “a beautiful and accommodating venue,” reports Bob Bacon.
Second place was secured by Nianci Gan, a regular competitor with a long record of success. First in Section A was clearly captured by rising star Justin Su, who was one of two players with perfect 4 and 0 records. Second place was a tie between David Jakob and Glenn Williamson, with SOS scores giving the win to David. First place in Section B was another tie. SOS scores determined the primary honor going to Matthew Gregoire with second place awarded to Ben Parrott. Russell Herman was the decisive winner of Section C, with Chris Nobblitt taking second. In Section D, newcomer Botao Sun took first with the only other 4 and 0 record of the day, with Yi Cai handily winning second. “Thanks to all who participated,” said Bacon, “especially to the parents supporting their players!”
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