The American Go E-Journal is getting a major update in both its daily and weekly
editions this week for its 10,000 subscribers. The daily edition, which comes out whenever there are news items the previous day on the AGA website, will now include events and blog posts. Upcoming tournaments and AGA events for the next two weeks will be shown, along with links to any new posts from our growing cadre of bloggers. The weekly edition comes out every Friday in the same general format but has the articles and blog links from the entire week, plus the events coming up in the next two weeks.
Every edition has a button at the bottom where readers can request a change from a daily to weekly subscription or vice-versa, or to unsubscribe from the E-Journal. The button opens a form which is also available here.
The new additions to the E-Journal are made possible by consolidating our old list in MailChimp with our newer one in the AGA’s membership system. The consolidated list will reduce the amount of maintenance as well, providing better service overall. There was a lot of cleanup (thanks, Gurujeet!) involved in consolidating; if you find you aren’t getting the subscription that was expected or getting a subscription that you did not expect, that same form can be used to set it right.
We hope the enhanced EJ is more useful to you; please let us know, and send any comments or suggestions to us at
Chris Garlock
Managing Editor, American Go E-Journal