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Go tourney triple-stream this weekend!

Chris Garlock | Published on 9/5/2024
Tune in this weekend for top-board streams from tournaments in DC, Colorado and San Diego. Colorado and San Diego will be video-only and DC will livestream both video and Board 1 games on OGS using the AGA’s new electronic game recording board (look for USGO games on OGS). The DC and Colorado events are Saturday, San Diego is on Sunday; here are links and approximate times for the streams: DC; 9:30a ET Saturday on usgoweb on YouTube and BadukClub and CO is 11:30a ET Saturday. The San Diego stream will be 12p ET on BadukClub. The tournaments are being hosted by the National Go Center, the Springs (CO) Go Club and the San Diego Go Club. Streaming by the American Go E-Journal and Baduk Club.  
photo: 2023 San Diego tourney

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