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National Go Center plans expanded Fall schedule of events

Chris Garlock | Published on 8/21/2024
At a well-attended meeting Sunday, National Go Center board members and community supporters developed plans to significantly expand NGC programs this Fall, including monthly tournaments, bi-weekly beginner/intermediate nights, an additional food and Go night, kid’s events and more. The Fall 2024 NGC calendar kicks off Friday, September 6 with the return of the popular Pair Go/Paella Night, followed the next day by the 2024 Back-to-School Tournament.
Meanwhile, the regular weekly schedule – Wednesday and Friday nights from 7-10p – continues, and more special events, including game commentaries, lectures and simuls are being planned. Keep an eye on the NGC calendar and in the EJ for updates.  
One other exciting development to note: EJ staff on Sunday successfully tested a new electronic recording board that will enable broadcast streaming of the top board at this Fall’s NGC tournaments.
photo: Testing out the electronic recording board at Wednesday night’s NGC go club; photo by Chris Garlock

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