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2024 US Go Congress Co-directors reflect

Chris Garlock | Published on 7/23/2024

After over a year of preparation and countless hours from dozens of volunteers, the 40th annual US Go Congress has officially come to a close.  Co-directors Jonas Acres and Stew Towle sat down outside of  Smith Memorial Student Union on Sunday for the ceremonial final game of the 2024 Go Congress, followed by a celebratory beverage with other volunteers and a small handful of attendees, some of whom found themselves unexpectedly remaining in Portland due to airline IT issues. “Though we are still tallying the numbers and closing the books, preliminary estimates put attendance at roughly 550 people, with 426 people competing in the Open/Masters Tournament,” Towle reports. “We had 20 professionals in attendance and large groups from overseas, including Japan, China and Korea.  Attendees formed friendships (and a few rivalries), grew as Go players and explored the city of Portland.  We even survived an emergency evacuation of the building one afternoon, which turned into a rare photo op.”

"It has been a joy and an honor to host so many people from so many places for so many good times and games of Go,” said Acres. “Thank you for coming to Portland and making this week so magical together." Added Towle, “A big thank you to all who participated, and special thanks to everyone who stepped up and contributed their volunteer time, whether big or small. It took the whole community to make this event a success.” It was not only Towle’s first time co-directing, it was his first Go Congress, “and being co-director was one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. Highlights included meeting professionals I've admired for years, getting top-tier game analysis and taking a stab at commentating for the first time.” But, said Towle, “my favorite part was making the connections with Go players from around the country and around the world. It inspires me as a Go player and as an organizer. It's a wonderful community and I look forward to future congresses and ongoing connections forged at events like this."

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