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"Tuesday with Tony": Tony Yang vs Evan Tan on KGS

Chris Garlock | Published on 6/17/2024

For over a year, Tony Yang 7D has been taking on any challenger on KGS in the San Diego Go Club Room at 7:00 p.m. PDT on Tuesdays and then analyzing the game with his opponent immediately afterwards. With school ending for the summer, Tuesday, June 18 will be his last "Tuesday with Tony" until the fall.

Tony's opponent this week will be Evan Tan 6D, another San Diego Go Club member. Tuesday's match of rising star youth in the SDGC, pits 11-year-old Evan – who took second place in the 2024 SD Open Go Championship -- versus 15-year-old Tony, defending US Go Open Champion and third in the 2023 World Youth Go Championship. The game will be 30 minutes per player plus byo-yomi. All observers may ask questions during the analysis phase.
- Ted Terpstra

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