They range in age from 10 to 44. They’re coming from Rochester (NY), Columbus (OH), New York
City, Vancouver, Toronto, Springwater, Ontario and Fairfax, Virginia. Their occupations range from Go teacher to Amazon Sortation worker, software developer, AI engineer, business analyst, institutional sales trader, student and financial services executive. They’re the contestants in the 2024 Pro Qualification Tournament, which will be held at College André-Grasset in Montreal, Canada from June 16 to 21: Tianyi Chen, Joel Kenny, Bill Lin, Ben Mantle, Nate Morse, Guanyu Song, Eric Yoder, Michael Guyue Xu, Edward Zhang.
Watch for bios of each player and details on our live coverage starting this Sunday, June 16.
Photo: (top row, l-r): Tianyi Chen, Joel Kenny, Bill Lin; (middle row): Ben Mantle, Nate Morse, Guanyu Song; (bottom row): Michael Guyue Xu, Eric Yoder, Edward Zhang.
Not shown: Eric Lee, Stephen Lin, Sen Zhang