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Congress registration tops 400

Chris Garlock | Published on 5/7/2024

Attendance for the upcoming U.S. Go Congress in Portland has now passed the 400 mark. "If you haven’t made your summer plans yet, now is the perfect time to consider submerging yourself in a week of Go in the beautiful Northwest,” says Eric Wainwright, AGA Congress Liaison.

Over 20 professionals from around the world will be giving lectures, reviewing games and playing simultaneous games.  There are a dozen tournaments to choose from, including the US Open, Lightning Go, and Pair Go.  Plus lighter events like Crazy Go, Costume Day, and Go Poetry.

For the Wednesday day-off, there will be excursions to the Columbia River valley, the Japanese and Chinese gardens, and the world-famous Rose Garden.  "I went to all of these places at the 2008 Go Congress as a player and they really stick in my memory,” said Eric.  "Now, as an organizer myself, I’m looking forward to retracing many of my steps this summer."

CLICK HERE for more information, registration and housing links.

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