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San Diego tourney to feature new format

Chris Garlock | Published on 5/6/2024

The San Diego Championship tournament, set for Memorial Day weekend, features a new format this year: two separate tournaments.

Register here for either the Open or Handicap event; both will be held over Memorial Day weekend. This is the 13th annual SD Go Championship run by the San Diego Go Club at the San Diego Chess Club in Balboa Park.


The Open Tournament (for strong dan-players) will be five rounds over two days: Saturday, May 25 and Sunday, May 26. “This will give amateur players the best chance to earn points for being selected to represent the AGA in international invitational tournaments,” says Ted Terpstra.


The Handicap Tournament will be three rounds held on one day, Sunday, May 26. The handicap players will be grouped by strength, with the weaker player getting handicap stones based on their AGA rating (or ability determined by the tournament director). 


On Saturday, May 25, most of the SD Chess Club will be available for anyone wanting to play informal (AGA rated or not) go games for free. Drop in any time and find an opponent or watch the Open Tournament.


Both tournaments are completely open which means pros, foreigners, and out-of-state players can play for the championship and all prizes. Registration closes at 11:59 p.m. on Thursday, May 23 for both tournaments. Walk-ins on tournament day will probably have to wait to play until the second round.


The 2023 tournaments had 50-players with AGA ratings from 7-dan to 25-kyu, with several beginners. Moxuan Liu 6.2, of the SDGC, was the 2023 champion.


No player last ever won the San Diego Open twice. There is a $100 add-on award to the player who wins the San Diego Open a second time. The 2024 cash prize pool is dependent on the number of entries.


Photos from 2023 SD Championship.

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