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AGHS Announces First-Ever Guess-the-Rank Charity Event

Chris Garlock | Published on 4/14/2024

The American Go Honor Society (AGHS) has announced its 2024 Guess the Rank Charity Event, the first of its kind that AGHS has organized. Players will be shown seven games each day, with a total time of 40 minutes to view the games and submit their answers. Games and Submission forms will be provided in the Zoom chat. Donations are not mandatory, but AGHS highly encourages a $5 donation to the Wounded Warrior Project

There will be two divisions: dan & kyu, and each winner of their respective divisions wins a trophy.


This tournament will take place on Saturday, April 27th, and Sunday, April 28th, starting at 3 p.m. EST (12 p.m. PST) on both days. If you are interested, register here; registration deadline is Wednesday, April 24th at 11:59PM PST.

For more information on the rules and regulations, please access this doc.

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